Buy Eye Patches to Practice Amblyopia

25 April 2024

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When a child has lazy eye (amblyopia), doctors often prescribe patching to force the weaker eye to work harder. Children don't usually like the idea of covering their eye and it can be difficult to get them to comply with the treatment plan. But parents can make it less intimidating for kids by encouraging them to choose eye patches featuring their favorite colors, patterns or characters. This can help turn a medical device into a cool accessory, which could lead to better compliance with treatment.

There are a variety of cloth patches that are designed for kids with amblyopia and many are made by small businesses started by parents. The most important thing is to find a patch that is comfortable and hypoallergenic. Adhesive-type patches can cause a rash or irritation, so some parents put a medicated ointment on the area before applying the patch to minimize this problem. Some also use a lubricant to prevent the adhesive from sticking to the eye.

The best way to treat amblyopia is with vision therapy. This is a series of exercises that teach the brain to process information from both eyes. It helps the two eyes work together and produces healthy binocular vision. It can be very effective in treating amblyopia and is usually combined with patching or eyedrops. A typical program lasts 6-9 months and can be done at home or in a clinic.

Amblyopia treatment is most successful when it starts early, while the brain pathways are still developing. Doctors generally start treatment for kids with amblyopia in kindergarten or first grade. It is important to be consistent with the treatment, which typically requires wearing an eye patch for several hours a day or more for a few weeks or months. may experience a relapse or regress when the patch is removed, but research indicates that the results of occluding the strong eye can be long-lasting when paired with vision therapy. In addition, new treatments may be able to help the brain stop suppressing visual cues from the weaker eye, so that both eyes can work together properly.

Parents should encourage children to play games that require both eyes to work, such as jigsaw puzzles and eye-hand coordination activities. It is also helpful to have kids talk about their amblyopia with their teachers and other schoolmates, so that everyone knows what they are going through. This can help them feel more confident about their condition and encourage others to show support. There are also a number of children's books about amblyopia, which can be useful in explaining the vision problem to younger children. These books can be purchased at most local book stores and are sometimes available in libraries.
