4 Activities To Do In Kidepo Valley National Park

Author: c3e0951e6c

09 May 2022

Views: 23


With 475 bird species residing in this national park, it’s truly a paradise for bird watchers. The variety of birds, such as savannah birds, migratory birds and endemic birds, makes it one of the best bird-viewing places in Uganda. You can visit the areas of Namamukweny and Narus Valley during the morning or evening game drive to see various birds where the concentration is high. You can spot birds such as the ostrich, black-breasted barbet, Karamoja Apalis, four banded sand grouse, African swallow-tailed kite, pygmy falcon, and African grey flycatcher, Abyssinian ground hornbill, long-tailed nightjar, and many more.

Know more : https://bushmansafaris.com/4-activities-to-do-in-kidepo-valley-national-park/

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