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In this exclusive interview with Lily Phillips, she opens up about her incredible 24-hour challenge of "1000 Men" 😱 and why she's proud to be a Slozza! 💥 T OnlyFans influencer Lily Phillips is 'quite excited' to meet her next goal of sleeping with 1,000 men in 24 hours. to be the first person to be with 1,000 guys in one day," Phillips, 23 The synopsis for the show, filmed in October, is: "We followed OnlyFans star Lily Phillips as she embarked on a stunt to sleep with 100 men in one day." At the start of the video, which has Overview. Lily Phillips' 1000 Men In One Day Challenge, also known as Lillian Phillips' Sex With A Thousand Men In 24 Hours World Record Attempt, refers to an upcoming challenge in which British OnlyFans creator and adult film star Lily Phillips will attempt to break the world record for the most sexual partners in a single day, aiming to sleep with 1,000 men in 24 hours. Lily Phillips is a British adult entertainer who recently hit headlines when she began recruiting 1000 guys to take part in a world record attempt at sleeping with the most men in 24 hours.. As Lily Phillips' tearful reaction had nothing to do with regret over sleeping with 100 men in 24 hours telling TMZ she was merely exhausted after the sexcapade. Lily, 23, has set herself the target of breaking a world record by sleeping with 1,000 men in 24 hours. Lily Phillips wants to bed 1000 men in 24 hours be getting honestly as quick as possible in out I just want a conveyor belt we're maybe thinking most it will be 17 hours so I saw the video of after you did the 100 yeah and you The buzz started when YouTuber Josh Pieters released a documentary titled I Slept With 100 Men in One Day. The film follows 23-year-old Lily Phillips as she achieves her first major milestone. Now, Phillips is aiming even higher, planning to break the unofficial world record of 919 men, a title reportedly set by Lisa Sparks in 2004. After sleeping with 101 men in one day, controversial OnlyFans user
Lily Phillips has unveiled her next challenge - to multiply that number by 10 in the first month of 2025. After completing her personal goal of bedding 101 men in a single day, controversial OnlyFans star Lily Phillips has set her sights higher. This time, however - in her new mission to break the world record and sleep with over 1000 men in 24 hours - she plans to outline some boundaries.. For those out of the loop with Lily's endeavour, the social media star, 23, announced earlier this year that