Английский язык упражнений 1 стр 6

17 February 2019

Views: 61

ГДЗ Английский язык Rainbow English 6 класс Афанасьева

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What has influenced the cuisine of the American West? Was the customer given water if he asked for?

Why cannot Obelix cope with English food? How many good stories are told of Tyson?

ГДЗ Английский язык Rainbow English 6 класс Афанасьева - Tyson's strength was the excellence of his wares, his cheapness, and his business-likedispatch, and knowing this he played the Kaiser to the top of his bent.

Rolls-Royce,Aston Martin, they're all gone and this is all we've got left, really, he said with a glance around the Palace courtyard. Просмотрите текст и найдите фразам, данным в левой колонке 1-9 подходящее завершение в правой колонке a-h. The neighbours from the continent never a for the most part us- ing historical material Tire of making fun of 2. There is also the famous joke about b he could easily rival pop stars and footballers 3. The book was written then by an hos- c started to creep to the top of the list torian 52 It described d English cuisine 5. But gradually English items f the well -knownbook by Charles Dickens 7. Oliver Twist is the little g to prepare breakfast 8. After this he starts h this international con- tingents in heaven and hill 5. Сократите текст, опустив несущественные детали. Составьте план и передайте содержание текста. Расскажите о русской кухне, о её традициях, об отношении россиян к национальным кухням других народов. Отработайте произношение данных слов и словосочетаний, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю. Fusion n Сплав, слияние Multiple adj Многочисленный Cook n Повар Chef n Шеф-повар Frozen entrée Замороженное блюдо Pre-packedadj Расфасованный Casserole n Кастрюля для тушения Burrito n Мексиканское блюдо лепешка с мясом или фасолью Cupcake n Маленькое пирожное с глазировкой Macaroons n Миндальное печенье Succotash n Блюдо из кукурузы и фасоли Chowder n Густой суп из рыбы и овощей Shellfish n Моллюск; ракообразное Clam n Моллюск Blue mussels Синие мидии Oyster n Устрица Winery n Винный завод Tuna n Тунец английский язык упражнений 1 стр 6 Passion fruit n Маракуя Raise v Выращивать, разводить Shrimp n Креветка Lychee n Личи Descent n Происхождение Breakthrough n Достижение, победа Antebellum adj Довоенный Gactronomy n Кулинария, гастрономия Unto prep направление к 5. Asian cooking has played a particularly large role in American fusion cuisine. Similarly, some dishes that are typically considered American have their origins in other countries. American cooks and chefs have substantially altered these dishes over the years, to the degree that the dishes now enjoyed around the world are considered to be American. Hot dogs and hamburgers are both based on traditional German dishes, brought by German immigrants to the United States, but in their modern popular form they can be considered American dishes. Many companies in the American food industry develop new products requiring minimal preparation, such as frozen entrees. Pre-packedAmerican meals tend to be high in carbohydrates, fat, sodium, and various preservatives. However, they also tend to be vitamin fortified. Trendy food items in the 2000s and 2010s include cupcakes, macaroons, and meatballs. Given the United States' large size it has numerous regional variations. The United States' regional cuisines are characterized by its extreme diversity and style with each region having its own distinctive cuisine. New England is a Northeastern region of the United States. Native American cuisine became part of the cookery style that the early colonists brought with them. The style of New England cookery originated from its colonial roots, willing to eat anything other than what they were used to from their British roots. Much of the cuisine started with one-potcookery, which resulted in such dishes as succotash, chowder, baked beans, and others. Lobster is an integral ingredient to the cuisine, indigenous to the coastal waters of the region. Other shellfish of the coastal regions include little neck clams, blue mussels, oysters, soft shell clams and razor shell clams. The clambake is a colonial interpretation of an American Indian tradition. The fruits of the region include the grapes used in grape juice made by companies such as Welch's, along with jelly, Kosher wine by companies like Mogen David and Manischewitz along with other wineries that make higher quality wines. Apples from New England include many original varieties. Cranberries are another fruit indigenous to the region. Hawaiian regional cuisine covers everything from wok-charredahi tuna, opakapaka snapper with passionfruit, to Hawaiian island-raisedlamb, beef and aquaculture products such as Molokai shrimp. It includes a broad variety of produce - most notably tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, sweet maui onions and tropical fruits such as papayas, mangoes, lilikoi passionfruit and lychee. The cuisine of the American South has been influenced by the many diverse inhabitants of the region, including Americans of European descent, Native Americans and African Americans. Cooking in the American West gets its influence from Native American and Mexican cultures, and other European settlers into the part of the country. Common dishes vary depending on the area. For instance, the Northwest relies on английский язык упражнений 1 стр 6 seafood, while in the South, Mexican flavors are extremely common. The demand for ethnic foods in the United States reflects the nation's changing diversity as well as its development over time. A movement began during the 1980s among popular leading chefs to reclaim America's ethnic foods within its regional traditions, where these trends originated. Another major breakthrough is the mixing of ethnic cuisines. America is a huge melting pot. The earliest cuisine of the United States was influenced by indigenous Native Americans, the cuisine of the thirteen colonies or the culture of the antebellum American South. The overall culture of the nation, its gastronomy and the growing culinary arts became ever more influenced by its changing ethnic mix and immigrant patterns from the 18th and 19th centuries unto the present. Дайте ответы на данные вопросы. What is specific of American cooking nowadays. What does the minimal preparation trend result in. What does the cuisine diversity and style depend on. What has American cuisine adopted from American Indian cooking. What is the cuisine of the Hawaiian region like. What does the cuisine of the American South reflect. What has influenced the cuisine of the American West. What does the mixing of ethnic cuisines lead to. What do changing ethnic mix and immigration bring to. Выпишите из текста слова, отражающую основную тему текста. Составьте план текста на английском языке. Напишите небольшое сообщение на английском языке по теме текста. Moreover you can either order the products separately or order the picnic ready-made the menu and price-listare startling and impressive. Выберите заголовок, наиболее соответствующий содержанию текста. Студенты договариваются, кто возьмёт магнитофон, фотоаппарат, мячи и ракетки для бадминтона. Напишите форму Participle 1 от данных глаголов. Заполните пропуски в данных фразах, выбрав соответствующее слово. Английский язык упражнений 1 стр 6 that moment everybody was watching the ……. He addressed the woman … at the counter buying some things for the children. The man …… us at the station was the representative of the firm. Напишите форму Participle 2 от данных глаголов.
What do changing ethnic mix and immigration bring to? Просмотрите текст и найдите фразам, данным в левой колонке 1-9 подходящее завершение в правой колонке a-h. Они обсуждают, как проходят пикники в России и в Великобритании. What happened in the autumn of 2003? He addressed the woman … at the counter buying some things for the children. People who asked for potatoes were unceremoniously told that they should have brought their own. В уроки учебника включены оригинальные коммерческие письма, которые содержат наиболее употребительные в деловой корреспонденции письменные клише. But gradually English items started to creep to the top of the list.
