IF is an upcoming American live-action animated comedy fantasy film about imaginary friends written, directed, and produced by John Krasinski. The film features an ensemble cast including Ryan Reynolds, Krasinski, Cailey Fleming, Fiona Shaw, Alan Kim, and Liza Colón-Zayas, along with the voices of Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Louis Gossett Jr., and Steve Carell.
WATCH ONLINE IF 2024: https://fullmovie.monster/movie/639720/if/
IF is scheduled to be released in the United States by Paramount Pictures on May 17, 2024.
A young girl named Bea gains the ability to see other people's imaginary friends, referred to as "IFs" for short, who have been neglected by the children they help. Bea then discovers that her neighbor, The Man Upstairs, has the same ability.
In October 2019, Paramount Pictures beat out Lionsgate and Sony, among others, to win the rights to Imaginary Friends, a project developed by John Krasinski and Ryan Reynolds, with Krasinski serving as the screenwriter and director. In May 2021, Krasinski's production company Sunday Night Productions and Reynolds' production company Maximum Effort signed a first-look deal with Paramount. In October 2021, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Fiona Shaw joined the cast. In January 2022, Steve Carell, Alan Kim, Cailey Fleming, and Louis Gossett Jr. joined the cast. The film reunites Krasinski and Carell, both of whom starred in The Office (2005–2013). In August 2022, Bobby Moynihan was added to the cast. The voice cast and plot were announced in April 2023 at CinemaCon 2023.