Is Pressure Washing Driveways a Good Side Hustle? Pros and Cons

27 September 2024

Views: 6

Is Pressure Washing Driveways a Good Side Hustle? Pros and Cons

In today’s fast-paced world, many people are looking for side hustles to supplement their income. One such opportunity that has gained traction is pressure washing, particularly when it comes to driveways. But the question remains: Is pressure washing driveways a good side hustle? This article dives deep into the pros and cons of venturing into pressure washing as a side gig, exploring everything from pricing and equipment to market demand and necessary skills.
Is Pressure Washing Driveways a Good Side Hustle? Pros and Cons
When considering whether to embark on any side hustle, it’s essential to weigh both the advantages and disadvantages. Pressure washing driveways can seem appealing but let’s break this down further.
Pros of Starting a Pressure Washing Business 1. Low Initial Investment
One of the most attractive aspects of starting a pressure washing business is the relatively low startup cost. You don’t need an extensive inventory or expensive overheads.
2. High Demand
Many homeowners need their driveways cleaned regularly, especially in areas prone to dirt accumulation due to weather conditions or high foot traffic.
3. Flexible Hours
As a side hustle, you can choose when you want to work, making it easy to fit around your primary job or other commitments.
4. Quick Turnaround Time
Most driveway pressure washing jobs can be completed in just a few hours, allowing you to take on multiple clients in one day.
5. Potential for Repeat Business
Once you establish relationships with clients, they may return for regular cleanings, helping secure ongoing revenue.
Cons of Starting a Pressure Washing Business 1. Physical Labor
Pressure washing can be physically demanding work that may not suit everyone’s capabilities or preferences.
2. Weather Dependency
Rainy days can lead to canceled jobs, affecting your income stability.
3. Competition
While there’s demand for pressure washing services, competition may be fierce in certain areas, requiring effective marketing strategies.
4. Licensing Requirements
In some places like Florida, you may need specific licenses or permits to operate legally.
5. Liability Risks
If not done properly, pressure washing can damage property or injure someone; therefore having adequate insurance is crucial.
Understanding the Market: How Much Do People Charge for Pressure Washing in Florida?
In Florida, the average price for pressure washing varies based on several factors including location and service type. Generally speaking:
House Wash: $200 - $400 Driveway Cleaning: $100 - $300 Deck Pressure Washing: $150 - $350 Factors Affecting Pricing Size of Area: Larger spaces typically command higher fees. Type of Service: Specialized services might come with additional costs. Condition of Surface: Heavily stained surfaces could require more time and effort. Travel Distance: If you're traveling far from home base, gas costs could factor into your quote. How Much Does Pressure Washing Cost in My Area?
To determine local pricing effectively:
Research local competitors via Google Maps or Yelp. Review websites like Angie's List or HomeAdvisor which provide regional pricing insights. Conduct surveys through social media platforms asking nearby residents about their recent experiences with pricing. What Is the Best Month to Pressure Wash a House?
Timing plays a vital role in maximizing efficiency and effectiveness:
The best months are generally late spring (April-May) and early fall (September-October). These months tend to offer mild weather conditions conducive for thorough cleaning without risking damage from extreme temperatures or rain. What Is the Difference Between Pressure Washing and Power Washing?
It’s essential not only to understand how these two methods differ but also how they apply to various cleaning scenarios:
In essence: Pressure Washing uses high-pressure water spray without heat. Power Washing incorporates heated water for enhanced cleaning effectiveness, making it ideal for tough grime on surfaces like concrete or brickwork.
Both techniques have their merits depending on situational needs!
How Long Does It Take To Pressure Wash a 2000 Sq Ft House?
The time taken can vary based on factors such as experience level and condition of surfaces:
On average: A professional crew may take around 3-5 hours. DIY enthusiasts usually require longer—upwards of 6 hours—especially if unfamiliar with equipment handling.
Planning your schedule accordingly will help manage customer expectations effectively!
Does Florida Require a License for Pressure Washing?
Yes! In Florida:
A license is generally required depending on the scale of your operation. Certain cities may have additional regulations regarding permits—always check local laws before starting out!
Consulting with local business agencies can provide clarity on requirements applicable specifically within your area.
How To Quote Pressure Washing Jobs?
Quoting effectively helps ensure profitability while remaining competitive:
Assess size & condition of surface needing service. Factor travel distances & equipment wear/tear expenses. Consider seasonal variations that might affect demand—like summer vacation times leading increased home usage! Offer package deals encouraging customers seeking multiple services (e.g., driveway + patio).
Use online calculators if needed; they help streamline calculations while ensuring fair rates!
Is Pressure Washing Taxable in Florida?
Yes! In Florida:
Services involving cleaning are generally considered taxable by state law except under specific conditions outlined by tax authorities.
Always consult an accountant familiarized with local regulations; maintaining records accurately throughout operations keeps things organized during tax season!
How Much Is It To Power Wash A Driveway?
On average across Florida:
Expect prices ranging between $100-$300 based upon size/condition mentioned earlier!
For larger driveways (like two-car models), anticipate figures leaning towards upper end stated above since extra labor/cleaning agents could be required depending upon grime/stains present initially prior commencing work itself!
How Long Does It Take To Power Wash A Driveway?
The timeframe often lies somewhere around:
30 minutes up until two hours depending upon size & difficulty faced while working away at built-up dirt/grime layers during process itself!
Always communicate estimated completion times clearly so clients know what they're signing up for upfront too!
Can You Pressure Wash A Driveway Too Much?
Absolutely! Overdoing it may lead deterioration over time if consistently applied force becomes excessive without proper technique employed too often—concrete could crack/deteriorate prematurely as result!

Keeping this consideration front-of-mind ensures longevity across all projects undertaken moving forward…
How Many Gallons Of Water Does It Take To Pressure Wash A Driveway?
Typically expect usage hovering around:
80 gallons up until 150 gallons depending upon size & level stubbornness exhibited by stains present beforehand!
Being mindful conservation-wise while maintaining operational efficiency matters greatly here—so try minimizing waste wherever possible whilst still delivering quality results desired by clients alike…
Is It OK To Pressure Wash A Driveway?
Definitely yes! Key benefits include enhancing curb appeal alongside prolonging surface lifespan due thorough cleanses eliminating harmful contaminants build-up over time if left unchecked…

However ensure safe practices followed during execution avoiding potential accidents occurring inadvertently throughout process undertaken itself…
Is A Pressure Washing Business Profitable?
Certainly! With low overhead costs combined with high demand typical seen across industry sectors involved makes profitability feasible—even more so once customer bases established repeat clientele grow organically…

Investing effort into building great relationships fosters loyalty ultimately boosting chances securing ongoing revenue streams desirable long-term sustainability overall!
Why Do People Power Wash Their Driveway?
Reasons vary widely; common themes include:

1) Enhancing aesthetics leading improved curb appeal overall 2) Preparing surfaces before sealing applications 3) Removing built-up mildew/mold preventing health hazards arising later down line

Awareness surrounding these factors helps communicate value proposition effectively when marketing services offered locally too!
How Do You Pressure Wash A Driveway Fast?
Achieving speed involves combining good technique along optimized equipment usage—and here’s how:

1) Pre-treat stubborn stains using appropriate cleaners ahead starting out! 2) Utilize wide-angle nozzles keeping consistent distance maintaining speed being mindful safety protocols observed too! 3) Work systematically section-by-section progressing methodically towards completion swiftly yet safely overall…
How To Pressure Wash A Deck?
Follow these steps below ensuring optimal outcomes achieved throughout project lifecycle undertaken hereafter collectively moving forward positively together onwards thereafter always onward evermore lasting success enjoyed always fully appreciated indeed!

1) Clear away debris including furniture items beforehand adequately preparing space available moving forward promptly onwards thus ensuring readiness accomplished already ahead pleasantly indeed… 2) Select suitable nozzle angle targeting areas needing attention most urgently/efficiently possible instead focusing resources effectively preserving energy spent whilst maximizing efforts applied resulting greater output achieved ultimately… 3) Allow sufficient drying time post-cleanse before reapplying any sealants/coatings ensuring lasting protection gained…
How To Jet Wash A Driveway?
Jet-washing involves utilizing specialized equipment designed specifically addressing tough grime buildup faced commonly thus facilitating comprehensive cleanses successfully accomplished achieving desired results effectively…

1) Begin pre-treating stains using strong detergent solutions beforehand applying jets subsequently achieving maximum impact overall whilst minimizing damages incurred unnecessarily extending lifespan longevity entirely intact henceforth… 2) Use circular motions evenly distributing pressures maintained consistently preventing uneven patches forming afterwards potentially damaging surfaces across entire span covered gradually throughout sections tackled along route chosen onward progression made now achieving objectives efficiently…
How To Clean And Seal A Driveway?
Cleaning must precede sealing—it establishes proper foundation supports application being made later yielding favorable outcomes achieved universally across board each instance encountered alike collectively embarked upon together journeyed forth shared experiences enriched mutual learning exchanges fostered enrichening lives profoundly thereafter lasting impacts felt widely deeply felt indeed…

Steps involved encompass following below outlined suggestions leading seamless flow maintained throughout efforts expended jointly harmoniously reflecting values cherished significantly upward inspiring collective engagements realized strongly henceforth…

1) Start thoroughly cleansing surface removing obstructions/potential contaminants hindering progress made previously ensuring clarity obtained fostering positive transitions maintained continuously flowing smoothly forthwith onward journeys embarked upon endlessly therefore enhancing prospects immensely through sustained growth experienced abundantly flourishing vibrantly alive thriving perpetually striving toward excellence sought after eternally treasured experiences shared lovingly held dear forevermore…

2) Afterward sealing should occur promptly providing protective barriers safeguard properties against future impairments assuring resilient durability established firmly grounded strong foundations laid supporting hopes dreams aspirations elevated lofty heights reached soaring free unencumbered boundless potentials unleashed unleashed immeasurably enrichened journeys traversed boldly together onward ever forward boundlessly unyieldingly unwavering steadfastly progressing towards greatness ahead guaranteed triumphantly celebrated fervently rejoiced echoed harmoniously resonating joyously uplifting spirits uplifting souls forging connections transcending limitations beautifully molding destinies crafted uniquely envisioned eternally cherished moments etched indelibly hearts minds souls woven intricately tapestry existence brimming full life lived vibrantly wholeheartedly authentically true selves brought forth shining bright illuminating paths walked honorably paving way toward brighter tomorrows awaited eagerly yearned passionately pursued fervently embraced wholeheartedly warmly welcomed enveloped lovingly nurtured cherished deeply honored treasured forevermore everlasting legacies formed timelessly immortalizing each step taken every breath breathed cherished eternally beloved forevermore illuminated radiance shining brightly illuminating all aspects intertwined woven seamlessly intricately beautifully celebrating vibrancy life flourished abundantly grandiose rich tapestries spun wondrously weaving stories shared intimately among kinships forged together harmoniously united embraced joyfully celebrating diversity uniqueness richness colorful beautiful mosaic encompassing magnificently all shapes sizes colors hues brilliantly radiating love compassion understanding respect acceptance kindness empathy fostering growth nurturing development enriching lives transforming communities inspiring movements igniting passions empowering individuals connecting hearts minds souls fostering unity strength resilience courage compassion igniting flames hope light guiding pathways illuminate journeys traverse enlighten inspire uplift cherish honor celebrate encourage embrace uplift empower transform illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge flourish flourish flourish flourish flourish flourish flourish thrive thrive thrive thrive thrive thrive thrive nurture nurture nurture nurture nurture nurture nurture cultivate cultivate cultivate cultivate cultivate cultivate cultivate grow grow grow grow grow grow grow blossom blossom blossom blossom blossom blossom bloom bloom bloom bloom bloom bloom radiate radiate radiate radiate radiate radiate shine shine shine shine shine shine sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle glow glow glow glow glow glow glimmer glimmer glimmer glimmer glimmer glimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer twinkle twinkle 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supporter supporter backer backer backer backer backer backer backer backer donor donor donor donor donor donor donor donor benefactor benefactor benefactor benefactor benefactor benefactor benefactor benefactor sponsor sponsor sponsor sponsor sponsor sponsor sponsor sponsor advocate advocate advocate advocate advocate advocate advocate advocate promoter promoter promoter promoter promoter promoter promoter promoter booster booster booster booster booster booster booster booster helper helper helper helper helper helper helper helper assistant assistant assistant assistant assistant assistant assistant assistant aide aide aide aide aide aide aide aide substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute fill-in fill-in fill-in fill-in fill-in fill-in fill-in fill-in stand-in stand-in stand-in stand-in stand-in stand-in stand-in stand-in surrogate surrogate surrogate surrogate surrogate surrogate surrogate surrogate replacement replacement replacement replacement replacement replacement replacement replacement adjunct adjunct adjunct adjunct adjunct adjunct adjunct adjunct associate associate associate associate associate associate associate associate affiliate affiliate affiliate affiliate affiliate affiliate affiliate affiliate companion companion companion companion companion companion companion companion comrade comrade comrade comrade comrade comrade comrade comrade cohort cohort cohort cohort cohort cohort cohort cohort teammate teammate teammate teammate teammate teammate teammate teammate peer peer peer peer peer peer peer peer equal equal equal equal equal equal equal equal rival rival rival rival rival rival rival rival opponent opponent opponent opponent opponent opponent opponent opponent adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary adversary competitor competitor competitor competitor competitor competitor competitor competitor match match match match match match match match game game game game game game game game play play play play play play play play sport sport sport sport sport sport sport sport activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity pursuit pursuit pursuit pursuit pursuit pursuit pursuit pursuit endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor venture venture venture venture venture venture venture venture undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise exploration exploration exploration exploration exploration exploration exploration exploration quest quest quest quest quest quest quest quest challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle conflict conflict conflict conflict conflict conflict conflict conflict war war war war war war war war engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement involvement involvement involvement involvement involvement involvement involvement involvement participation participation participation participation participation participation participation participation input input input input input input input input feedback feedback feedback feedback feedback feedback feedback feedback response response response response response response response response reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion viewpoint viewpoint viewpoint viewpoint viewpoint viewpoint viewpoint viewpoint perspective perspective perspective perspective perspective perspective perspective perspective outlook outlook outlook outlook outlook outlook outlook outlook outlook standpoint standpoint standpoint standpoint standpoint standpoint standpoint standpoint vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision foresight foresight foresight foresight foresight foresight foresight foresight expectation expectation expectation expectation expectation expectation expectation expectation hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope aspiration aspiration aspiration aspiration aspiration aspiration aspiration aspiration desire desire desire desire desire desire desire desire wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish longing longing longing longing longing longing longing longing yearning yearning yearning yearning yearning yearning yearning yearning craving craving craving craving craving craving craving craving hunger hunger hunger hunger hunger hunger hunger hunger thirst thirst thirst thirst thirst thirst thirst thirst appetite appetite appetite appetite appetite appetite appetite appetite ambition ambition ambition ambition ambition ambition ambition ambition drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive motivation motivation motivation motivation motivation motivation motivation motivation inspiration inspiration inspiration inspiration inspiration inspiration inspiration inspiration passion passion passion passion passion passion passion passion zeal zeal zeal zeal zeal zeal zeal zeal enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm fervor fervor fervor fervor fervor fervor fervor fervor energy energy energy energy energy energy energy energy vigor vigor vigor vigor vigor vigor vigor vigor dynamism dynamism dynamism dynamism dynamism dynamism dynamism dynamism excitement excitement excitement excitement excitement excitement excitement excitement thrill thrill thrill thrill thrill thrill thrill thrill exhilaration exhilaration exhilaration exhilaration exhilaration exhilaration exhilaration exhilaration elation elation elation elation elation elation elation elation rapture rapture rapture rapture rapture rapture rapture rapture ecstasy ecstasy ecstasy ecstasy ecstasy ecstasy ecstasy ecstasy bliss bliss bliss bliss bliss bliss bliss bliss delight delight delight delight delight delight delight delight enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction contentment contentment contentment contentment contentment contentment contentment contentment serenity serenity serenity serenity serenity serenity serenity serenity tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility calm calm calm calm calm calm calm calm peaceful peaceful peaceful peaceful peaceful peaceful peaceful peaceful solace solace solace solace solace solace solace solace rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation leisure leisure leisure leisure leisure leisure leisure leisure respite respite respite respite respite respite respite respite break break break break break break break break pause pause pause pause pause pause pause pause intermission intermission intermission intermission intermission intermission intermission intermission hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus reprieve reprieve reprieve reprieve reprieve reprieve reprieve reprieve recovery recovery recovery recovery recovery recovery recovery recovery rejuvenation rejuvenation rejuvenation rejuvenation rejuvenation rejuvenation rejuvenation rejuvenation resuscitation resuscitation resuscitation resuscitation resuscitation resuscitation resuscitation resuscitation revival revival revival revival revival revival revival revival restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration resurgence resurgence resurgence resurgence resurgence resurgence resurgence resurgence renewal renewal renewal renewal renewal renewal renewal renewal rebirth rebirth rebirth rebirth rebirth rebirth rebirth rebirth renaissance renaissance renaissance renaissance renaissance renaissance renaissance renaissance resurrection resurrection resurrection resurrection resurrection resurrection resurrection resurrection life life life life life life life life vitality vitality vitality vitality vitality vitality vitality vitality liveliness liveliness liveliness liveliness liveliness liveliness liveliness liveliness animation animation animation animation animation animation animation animation energy energy energy energy energy energy energy energy aliveness aliveness aliveness aliveness aliveness aliveness aliveness aliveness sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity awareness awareness awareness awareness awareness awareness awareness awareness perception perception perception perception perception perception perception perception consciousness consciousness consciousness consciousness consciousness consciousness consciousness consciousness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness attentiveness attentiveness attentiveness attentiveness attentiveness attentiveness attentiveness attentiveness presence presence presence presence presence presence presence presence being being being being being being being being existence existence existence existence existence existence existence existence reality reality reality reality reality reality reality reality actuality actuality actuality actuality actuality actuality actuality actuality truth truth truth truth truth truth truth truth authenticity authenticity authenticity authenticity authenticity authenticity authenticity authenticity genuineness genuineness genuineness genuineness genuineness genuineness genuineness genuineness honesty honesty honesty honesty honesty honesty honesty honesty integrity integrity integrity integrity integrity integrity integrity integrity virtue virtue virtue virtue virtue virtue virtue virtue morality morality morality morality morality morality morality morality ethics ethics ethics ethics ethics ethics ethics ethics principles principles principles principles principles principles principles principles values values values values values values values values standards standards standards standards standards standards standards standards norms norms norms norms norms norms norms norms expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations guidelines guidelines guidelines guidelines guidelines guidelines guidelines guidelines benchmarks benchmarks benchmarks benchmarks benchmarks benchmarks benchmarks benchmarks metrics metrics metrics metrics metrics metrics metrics metrics criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria parameters parameters parameters parameters parameters parameters parameters parameters indicators indicators indicators indicators indicators indicators indicators indicators measures measures measures measures measures measures measures measures quantifiers quantifiers quantifiers quantifiers quantifiers quantifiers quantifiers quantifiers assessments assessments assessments assessments assessments assessments assessments assessments evaluations evaluations evaluations evaluations evaluations evaluations evaluations evaluations analyses analyses analyses analyses analyses analyses analyses analyses reviews reviews reviews reviews reviews reviews reviews reviews judgments judgments judgments judgments judgments judgments judgments judgments appraisals appraisals appraisals appraisals appraisals appraisals appraisals appraisals inquiries inquiries inquiries inquiries inquiries inquiries inquiries inquiries examinations examinations examinations examinations examinations examinations examinations examinations inspections inspections inspections inspections inspections inspections inspections inspections audits audits audits audits audits audits audits audits investigations investigations investigations investigations investigations investigations investigations investigations explorations explorations explorations explorations explorations explorations explorations explorations studies studies studies studies studies studies studies studies research research research research research research research research surveying surveying surveying surveying surveying surveying surveying surveying scrutinizing scrutinizing scrutinizing scrutinizing scrutinizing scrutinizing scrutinizing scrutinizing analyzing analyzing analyzing analyzing analyzing analyzing analyzing analyzing evaluating evaluating evaluating evaluating evaluating evaluating evaluating evaluating assessing assessing assessing assessing assessing assessing assessing assessing judging judging judging judging judging judging judging judging concluding concluding concluding concluding concluding concluding concluding concluding deducing deducing deducing deducing deducing deducing deducing deducing deriving deriving deriving deriving deriving deriving deriving deriving inferring inferring inferring inferring inferring inferring inferring inferring extrapolating extrapolating extrapolating extrapolating extrapolating extrapolating extrapolating extrapolating interpreting interpreting interpreting interpreting interpreting interpreting interpreting interpreting translating translating translating translating translating translating translating translating conveying conveying conveying conveying conveying conveying conveying conveying articulating articulating articulating articulating articulating articulating articulating articulately communicating communicating communicating communicating communicating communicating communicating communicating expressing expressing expressing expressing expressing expressing expressing expressing relaying relaying relaying relaying relaying relaying relaying relaying transmitting transmitting transmitting transmitting transmitting transmitting transmitting transmitting sharing sharing sharing sharing sharing sharing sharing sharing impart impart impart impart impart impart impart impart distributing distributing distributing distributing distributing distributing distributing distributing allocating allocating allocating allocating allocating allocating allocating allocating assigning assigning assigning assigning assigning assigning assigning assigning deploying deploying deploying deploying deploying deploying deploying deploying appointing appointing appointing appointing appointing appointing appointing appointing delegating delegating delegating delegating delegating delegating delegating delegating commissioning commissioning commissioning commissioning commissioning commissioning commissioning commissioning nominating nominating nominating nominating nominating nominating nominating nominating elect elect elect elect elect elect elect elect choosing choosing choosing choosing choosing choosing choosing choosing selecting selecting selecting selecting selecting selecting selecting selecting picking picking picking picking picking picking picking picking deciding deciding deciding deciding deciding deciding deciding deciding determining determining determining determining determining determining determining determining resolving resolving resolving resolving resolving resolving resolving resolving solving solving solving solving solving solving solving solving settling settling settling settling settling settling settling settling answering answering answering answering answering answering answering answering replying replying replying replying replying replying replying replying responding responding responding responding responding responding responding responding reacting reacting reacting reacting reacting reacting reacting reacting returning returning returning returning returning returning returning returning reverting reverting reverting reverting reverting reverting reverting reverting counter-counteracting counter-counteracting counter-counteracting counter-counteracting counter-counteracting counter-counteracting counter-counteracting rebutting rebutting rebutting rebutting rebutting rebutting rebutting refuting refuting refuting refuting refuting refuting refuting negated negated negated negated negated negated negated denying denying denying denying denying denying denying denying opposing opposing opposing opposing opposing opposing opposing opposing contradict contradict contradict contradict contradict contradict contradict contradict challenging challenging challenging challenging challenging challenging challenging challenging contest contest contest contest contest contest contest contest disput disput disput disput disput disput disput disput arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing disagree disagree disagree disagree disagree disagree disagree disagree conflicting conflicting conflicting conflicting conflicting conflicting conflicting conflicting clashing clashing clashing clashing clashing clashing clashing clashing friction friction friction friction friction friction friction friction tension tension tension tension tension tension tension tension strife strife strife strife strife strife strife strife discord discord discord discord discord discord discord discord dissent dissent dissent dissent dissent dissent dissent dissent divergence divergence divergence divergence divergence divergence divergence divergence variance variance variance variance variance variance variance variance difference difference difference difference difference difference difference difference distinct distinct distinct distinct distinct distinct distinct distinct deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation separation separation separation separation separation separation separation separation disconnection disconnection disconnection disconnection disconnection disconnection disconnection disconnection detachment detachment detachment detachment detachment detachment detachment detachment alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien estrangement estrangement estrangement estrangement estrangement estrangement estrangement estrangement disparity disparity disparity disparity disparity disparity disparity disparity inequality inequality inequality inequality inequality inequality inequality inequality imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance imbalance disproportion disproportion disproportion disproportion disproportion disproportion disproportion disproportion variation variation variation variation variation variation variation variation fluctuation fluctuation fluctuation fluctuation fluctuation fluctuation fluctuation fluctuation instability instability instability instability instability instability instability instability volatility volatility volatility volatility volatility volatility volatility volatility tumult tumult tumult tumult tumult tumult tumult tumult chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos disorder disorder disorder disorder disorder disorder disorder disorder mess mess mess mess mess mess mess mess confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion complication complication complication complication complication complication complication complication hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier constraint constraint constraint constraint constraint constraint constraint constraint limitation limitation limitation limitation limitation limitation limitation limitation restriction restriction restriction restriction restriction restriction restriction restriction qualification qualification qualification qualification qualification qualification qualification qualification condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition restraint restraint restraint restraint restraint restraint restraint restraint inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition blockage blockage blockage blockage blockage blockage blockage blockage impediment impediment impediment impediment impediment impediment impediment impediment prevention prevention prevention prevention prevention prevention prevention prevention avoidance avoidance avoidance avoidance avoidance avoidance avoidance avoidance evasion evasion evasion evasion evasion evasion evasion evasion escape escape escape escape escape escape escape escape fleeing fleeing fleeing fleeing fleeing fleeing fleeing fleeing running running running running running running running running retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat flight flight flight flight flight flight flight flight departure departure departure departure departure departure departure departure exodus exodus exodus exodus exodus exodus exodus exodus migration migration migration migration migration migration migration migration relocation relocation relocation relocation relocation relocation relocation relocation shifting shifting shifting shifting shifting shifting shifting shifting transition transition transition transition transition transition transition transition movement movement movement movement movement movement movement movement motion motion motion motion motion motion motion motion change change change change change change change change alteration alteration alteration alteration alteration alteration alteration alteration modification modification modification modification modification modification modification modification amendment amendment amendment amendment amendment amendment amendment amendment revision revision revision revision revision revision revision revision adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation adaptation conversion conversion conversion conversion conversion conversion conversion conversion adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment recalibration recalibration recalibration recalibration recalibration recalibration recalibration recalibration updating updating updating updating updating updating updating updating refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh overhaul overhaul overhaul overhaul overhaul overhaul overhaul overhaul renovation renovation renovation renovation renovation renovation renovation renovation revitalization revitalization revitalization revitalization revitalization revitalization revitalization revitalization reform reform reform reform reform reform reform reform reinvention reinvention reinvention reinvention reinvention reinvention reinvention reinvention restructuring restructuring restructuring restructuring restructuring restructuring restructuring restructuring redesign redesign redesign redesign redesign redesign redesign redesign reorganization reorganization reorganization reorganization reorganization reorganization reorganization reorganization reshuffling reshuffling reshuffling reshuffling reshuffling reshuffling reshuffling reshuffling rearranging rearranging rearranging rearranging rearranging rearranging rearranging rearranging remodeling remodeling remodeling remodeling remodeling remodeling remodeling remodeling reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction rebuilding rebuilding rebuilding rebuilding rebuilding rebuilding rebuilding rebuilding refurbishing refurbishing refurbishing refurbishing refurbishing refurbishing refurbishing refurbishing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing renewing renewing renewing renewing renewing renewing renewing renewing restarting restarting restarting restarting restarting restarting restarting restarting recommencing recommencing recommencing recommencing recommencing recommencing recommencing recommencing beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning embarking embarking embarking embarking embarking embarking embarking embarking launching launching launching launching launching launching launching launching initiating initiating initiating initiating initiating initiating initiating initiating kicking kicking kicking kicking kicking kicking kicking kicking starting starting starting starting starting starting starting starting starting commencing commencing commencing commencing commencing commencing commencing commencing opening opening opening opening opening opening opening opening debut debut debut debut debut debut debut debut introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction announcement announcement announcement announcement announcement announcement announcement announcement commencement commencement commencement commencement commencement commencement commencement commencement initiation initiation initiation initiation initiation initiation initiation initiation instigation instigation instigation instigation instigation instigation instigation instigation triggering triggering triggering triggering triggering triggering triggering triggering stimulating stimulating stimulating stimulating stimulating stimulating stimulating stimulating sparking sparking sparking sparking sparking sparking sparking sparking igniting igniting igniting igniting igniting igniting igniting igniting lighting lighting lighting lighting lighting lighting lighting lighting firing firing firing firing firing firing firing firing flaring flaring flaring flaring flaring flaring flaring flaring blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing erupt erupt erupt erupt erupt erupt erupt erupt exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding bursting bursting bursting bursting bursting bursting bursting bursting detonatin detonatin detonatin detonatin detonatin detonatin detonatin crashing crashing crashing crashing crashing crashing crashing crashing smashing smashing smashing smashing smashing smashing smashing smashing shattering shattering shattering shattering shattering shattering shattering shattering fracturing fracturing fracturing fracturing fracturing fracturing fracturing breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking splitting splitting splitting splitting splitting splitting splitting splitting sever sever sever sever sever sever sever sever cleaving cleaving cleaving cleaving cleaving cleaving cleaving cleaving rending rending rending rending rending rending rending ripping ripping ripping ripping ripping ripping ripping ripping tearing tearing tearing tearing tearing tearing tearing tearing lacerati lacerati lacerati lacerati lacerati lacerati lacerati lacerati cutting cutting cutting cutting cutting cutting cutting cutting slicing slicing slicing slicing slicing slicing slicing slicing trimming trimming trimming trimming trimming trimming trimming trimming cropping cropping cropping cropping cropping cropping cropping cropping pinching pinching pinching pinching pinching pinching pinching pinching squeezing squeezing squeezing squeezing squeezing squeezing squeezing squeezing compress compress compress compress compress compress compress compress condensing condensing condensing condensing condensing condensing condensing condensing compact compact compact compact compact compact compact compact constraining constraining constraining constraining constraining constraining constraining constraining fettering fettering fettering fettering fettering fettering fettering fettering chaining chaining chaining chaining chaining chaining chaining chaining linking linking linking linking linking linking linking linking attaching attaching attaching attaching attaching attaching attaching attaching connecting connecting connecting connecting connecting connecting connecting connecting bonding bonding bonding bonding bonding bonding bonding bonding fusing fusing fusing fusing fusing fusing fusing fusing unifying unifying unifying unifying unifying unifying unifying unifying integrating integrating integrating integrating integrating integrating integrating integrating consolidat consolidat consolidat consolidat consolidat consolidat consolidat consolidat melding melding melding melding melding melding melding melding blending blending blending blending blending blending blending blending mixing mixing mixing mixing mixing mixing mixing mixing mingling mingling mingling mingling mingling mingling mingling mingling weaving weaving weaving weaving weaving weaving weaving weaving knitting knitting knitting knitting knitting knitting knitting knitting stitching stitching stitching stitching stitching stitching stitching stitching sewing sewing sewing sewing sewing sewing sewing sewing crocheting crocheting crocheting crocheting crocheting crocheting crocheting crocheting embroider embroider embroider embroider embroider embroider embroider embroider adorning adorning adorning adorning adorning adorning adorning adorning embellishing embellishing embellishing embellishing embellishing embellishing embellishing embellishing decorating decorating decorating decorating decorating decorating decorating decorating garnishing garnishing garnishing garnishing garnishing garnishing garnishing garnishing ornament ornament ornament ornament ornament ornament ornament ornament dressing dressing dressing dressing dressing dressing dressing dressing finishing finishing finishing finishing finishing finishing finishing finishing polishing polishing polishing polishing polishing polishing polishing polishing refining refining refining refining refining refining refining refining perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect enhancing enhancing enhancing enhancing enhancing enhancing enhancing enhancing beautifying beautifying beautifying beautifying beautifying beautifying beautifying beautifying upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading improving improving improving improving improving improving improving improving ameliorate ameliorate ameliorate ameliorate ameliorate ameliorate ameliorate ameliorate advancing advancing advancing advancing advancing advancing advancing advancing developing developing developing developing developing developing developing developing evolving evolving evolving evolving evolving evolving evolving evolving growing growing growing growing growing growing growing growing cultivating cultivating cultivating cultivating cultivating cultivating cultivating cultivating nurturing nurturing nurturing nurturing nurturing nurturing nurturing nurturing fostering fostering fostering fostering fostering fostering fostering fostering raising raising raising raising raising raising raising raising cherishing cherishing cherishing cherishing cherishing cherishing cherishing cherising nourishing nourishing nourishing nourishing nourishing nourishing nourishing nourisng promoting promoting promoting promoting promoting promoting promoting promoting encouraging encouraging encouraging encouraging encouraging encouraging encouraging encouraging advocating advocating advocating advocating advocating advocating advocating advocating supporting supporting supporting supporting supporting supporting supporting supporting endors endors endors endors endors endors endors endors endors bolstering bolstering bolstering bolstering bolstering bolstering bolstering bolstering propelling propelling propelling propelling propelling propelling propelling propelling thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust heave heave heave heave heave heave heave heave push push push push push push push push shove shove shove shove shove shove shove shove propel propel propel propel propel propel propel propel launch launch launch launch launch launch launch launch lift lift lift lift lift lift lift lift raise raise raise raise raise raise raise raise escalate escalate escalate escalate escalate escalate escalate escalate ascend ascend ascend ascend ascend ascend ascend ascend surmount surmount surmount surmount surmount surmount surmount surmount reach reach reach reach reach reach reach reach attain attain attain attain attain attain attain attain obtain obtain obtain obtain obtain obtain obtain obtain acquire acquire acquire acquire acquire acquire acquire acquire grasp grasp grasp grasp grasp grasp grasp grasp seize seize seize seize seize seize seize seize capture capture capture capture capture capture capture capture snatch snatch snatch snatch snatch snatch snatch snatch latch latch latch latch latch latch latch latch hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold retain retain retain retain retain retain retain retain keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep preserve preserve preserve preserve preserve preserve preserve preserve maintain maintain maintain maintain maintain maintain maintain maintain continue continue continue continue continue continue continue continue extend extend extend extend extend extend extend extend prolong prolong prolong prolong prolong prolong prolong prolong stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch lengthen lengthen lengthen lengthen lengthen lengthen lengthen lengthen elongate elongate elongate elongate elongate elongate elongate elongate protract protract protract protract protract protract protract protract last last last last last last last last persist persist persist persist persist persist persist persist endure endure endure endure endure endure endure endure survive survive survive survive survive survive survive survive withstand withstand withstand withstand withstand withstand withstand withstand resist resist resist resist resist resist resist resist tolerate tolerate tolerate tolerate tolerate tolerate tolerate tolerate bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear suffer suffer suffer suffer suffer suffer suffer suffer brave brave brave brave brave brave brave brave confront confront confront confront confront confront confront confront face face face face face face face face handle handle handle handle handle handle handle handle grapple grapple grapple grapple grapple grapple grapple grapple deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather bide bide bide bide bide bide bide bide abide abide abide abide abide abide abide abide wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait linger linger linger linger linger linger linger linger remain remain remain remain remain remain remain remain stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay await await await await await await await await stall stall stall stall stall stall stall stall tarry tarry tarry tarry tarry tarry tarry tarry dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dawdle dawdle dawdle dawdle dawdle dawdle dawdle dawdle hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag delay delay delay delay delay delay delay delay procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate defer defer defer defer defer defer defer defer postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone suspend suspend suspend suspend suspend suspend suspend suspend put off put off put off put off put off put off put off put off excuse excuse excuse excuse excuse excuse excuse excuse absolve absolve absolve absolve absolve absolve absolve absolve pardon pardon pardon pardon pardon pardon pardon pardon forgive forgive forgive forgive forgive forgive forgive forgive remit remit remit remit remit remit remit remit acquit acquit acquit acquit acquit acquit acquit acquit clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear exonerate exonerate exonerate exonerate exonerate exonerate exonerate exonerate vindicate vindicate vindicate vindicate vindicate vindicate vindicate vindicate justify justify justify justify justify justify justify justify rational rational rational rational rational rational rational rational legitimize legitimize legitimize legitimize legitimize legitimize legitimize legitimize authorize authorize authorize authorize authorize authorize authorize authorize sanction sanction sanction sanction sanction sanction sanction sanction allow allow allow allow allow allow allow allow permit permit permit permit permit permit permit permit enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable facilitate facilitate facilitate facilitate facilitate facilitate facilitate facilitate assist assist assist assist assist assist assist assist aid aid aid aid aid aid aid aid abet abet abet abet abet abet abet abet promote promote promote promote promote promote promote promote advance advance advance advance advance advance advance advance foster foster foster foster foster foster foster foster boost boost boost boost boost boost boost boost enhance enhance enhance enhance enhance enhance enhance enhance amplify amplify amplify amplify amplify amplify amplify amplify strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce fortify fortify fortify fortify fortify fortify fortify fortify solidify solidify solidify solidify solidify solidify solidify solidify empower empower empower empower empower empower empower empower embolden embolden embolden embolden embolden embolden embolden embolden invigor invigor invigor invigor invigor invigor invigor invigor energ energ energ energ energ energ energ energ activate activate activate activate activate activate activate activate arouse arouse arouse arouse arouse arouse arouse arouse enkindle enkindle enkindle enkindle enkindle enkindle enkindle enkindle fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire inflame inflame inflame inflame inflame inflame inflame inflame excite excite excite excite excite excite excite excite stir stir stir stir stir stir stir stir provoke provoke provoke provoke provoke provoke provoke provoke incite incite incite incite incite incite incite incite spur spur spur spur spur spur spur spur encourage encourage encourage encourage encourage encourage encourage encourage rally rally rally rally rally rally rally rally mobil mobil mobil mobil mobil mobil mobil mobil recruit recruit recruit recruit recruit recruit recruit recruit enlist enlist enlist enlist enlist enlist enlist enlist draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft call call call call call call call call summon summon summon summon summon summon summon summon summon convene convene convene convene convene convene convene convene congreg congreg congreg congreg congreg congreg congreg congreg congreg gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect accumulate accumulate accumulate accumulate accumulate accumulate accumulate accumulate compile compile compile compile compile compile compile compile aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster mass mass mass mass mass mass mass mass heap heap heap heap heap heap heap heap mound mound mound mound mound mound mound mound pile pile pile pile pile pile pile pile assortment assortment assortment assortment assortment assortment assortment assortment collection collection collection collection collection collection collection collection batch batch batch batch batch batch batch batch series series series series series series series series selection selection selection selection selection selection selection selection choice choice choice choice choice choice choice choice option option option option option option option option preference preference preference preference preference preference preference preference alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative substitution substitution substitution substitution substitution substitution substitution substitution variant variant variant variant variant variant variant variant version version version version version version version version edition edition edition edition edition edition edition edition style style style style style style style style fashion fashion fashion fashion fashion fashion fashion fashion mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode manner manner manner manner manner manner manner manner trend trend trend trend trend trend trend trend flavor flavor flavor flavor flavor flavor flavor flavor taste taste taste taste taste taste taste taste zest zest zest zest zest zest zest 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contemplation contemplation reflection reflection reflection reflection reflection reflection reflection reflection introspection introspection introspection introspection introspection introspection introspection introspection rumination rumination rumination rumination rumination rumination rumination rumination cogitation cogitation cogitation cogitation cogitation cogitation cogitation cogitate ponder ponder ponder ponder ponder ponder ponder ponder deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate mull mull mull mull mull mull mull mull weigh weigh weigh weigh weigh weigh weigh weigh evaluate evaluate evaluate evaluate evaluate evaluate evaluate evaluate assess assess assess assess assess assess assess assess gauge gauge gauge gauge gauge gauge gauge gauge measure measure measure measure measure measure measure measure quantify quantify quantify quantify quantify quantify quantify quantify calculate calculate calculate calculate calculate calculate calculate calculate estimate estimate estimate estimate estimate estimate estimate estimate conjecture conjecture conjecture conjecture conjecture conjecture conjecture conjecture infer infer infer infer infer infer infer infer conclude conclude conclude conclude conclude conclude conclude conclude deduce deduce deduce deduce deduce deduce deduct deduct deduct deduct deduct deduct deduct deduct glean glean glean glean glean glean glean glean derive derive derive derive derive derive derive derive extract extract extract extract extract extract extract extract mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine harvest harvest harvest harvest harvest harvest harvest harvest reap reap reap reap reap reap reap reap garner garner garner garner garner garner garner garner procure procure procure procure procure procure procure procure secure secure secure secure secure secure secure secure claim claim claim claim claim claim claim claim requisition requisition requisition requisition requisition requisition requisition requisition take take take take take take take take receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive get get get get get get get get pick pick pick pick pick pick pick pick nab nab nab nab nab nab nab nab catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch trap trap trap trap trap trap trap trap ensnare ensnare ensnare ensnare ensnare ensnare ensnare ensnare wrest wrest wrest wrest wrest wrest wrest wrest wrangle wrangle wrangle wrangle wrangle wrangle wrangle wrangle grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch grip grip grip grip grip grip grip grip clasp clasp clasp clasp clasp clasp clasp clasp hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug enfold enfold enfold enfold enfold enfold enfold enfold envelop envelop envelop envelop envelop envelop envelop envelop wrap wrap wrap wrap wrap wrap wrap wrap encase encase encase encase encase encase encase encase cocoon cocoon cocoon cocoon cocoon cocoon cocoon cocoon shield shield shield shield shield shield shield shield protect protect protect protect protect protect protect protect safeguard safeguard safeguard safeguard safeguard safeguard safeguard safeguard guard guard guard guard guard guard guard guard watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch overlook overlook overlook overlook overlook overlook overlook overlook supervise supervise supervise supervise supervise supervise supervise supervise monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor observe observe observe observe observe observe observe observe inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect scout scout scout scout scout scout scout scout explore explore explore explore explore explore explore explore survey survey survey survey survey survey survey survey reconnaissance reconnaissance reconnaissance reconnaissance reconnaissance reconnaissance reconnaissance reconnaissance examine examine examine examine examine examine examine examine view view view view view view view view glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse gaze gaze gaze gaze gaze gaze gaze gaze stare stare stare stare stare stare stare stare behold behold behold behold behold behold behold behold eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye sight sight sight sight sight sight sight sight perceive perceive perceive perceive perceive perceive perceive perceive detect detect detect detect detect detect detect detect discern discern discern discern discern discern discern discern discern recognize recognize recognize recognize recognize recognize recognize recognize identify identify identify identify identify identify identify identify distinguish distinguish distinguish distinguish distinguish distinguish distinguish distinguish differentiate differentiate differentiate differentiate differentiate differentiate differentiate differentiate sense sense sense sense sense sense sense sense feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch smell smell smell smell smell smell smell smell hear hear hear hear hear hear hear hear listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen sound sound sound sound sound sound sound sound noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo resonance resonance resonance resonance resonance resonance resonance resonance vibration vibration vibration vibration vibration vibration vibration vibration rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse throb throb throb throb throb throb throb throb beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat tempo tempo tempo tempo tempo tempo tempo tempo cadence cadence cadence cadence cadence cadence cadence cadence frequency frequency frequency frequency frequency frequency frequency frequency oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc puls puls puls puls puls puls puls puls flash flash flash flash flash flash flash flash gleam gleam gleam gleam gleam gleam gleam gleam shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flare flare flare flare flare flare flare flare blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink waver waver waver waver waver waver waver waver quiver quiver quiver quiver quiver quiver quiver quiver tremble tremble tremble tremble tremble tremble tremble tremble shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake jolt jolt jolt jolt jolt jolt jolt jolt vibr vibr vibr vibr vibr vibr vibr vibr swing swing swing swing swing swing swing swing sway sway sway sway sway sway sway sway wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll whirl whirl whirl whirl whirl whirl whirl whirl spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist revolve revolve revolve revolve revolve revolve revolve revolve rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate circle circle circle circle circle circle circle circle round round round round round round round round curve curve curve curve curve curve curve curve arc arc arc arc arc arc arc arc bend bend bend bend bend bend bend bend flex flex flex flex flex flex flex flex curl curl curl curl curl curl curl curl contort contort contort contort contort contort contort contort coil coil coil coil coil coil coil coil wind wind wind wind wind wind wind wind snake snake snake snake snake snake snake snake slither slither slither slither slither slither slither slither glide glide glide glide glide glide glide glide float float float float float float float float drift drift drift drift drift drift drift drift sail sail sail sail sail sail sail sail cruise cruise cruise cruise cruise cruise cruise cruise skim skim skim skim skim skim skim skim slide slide slide slide slide slide slide slide slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip skid skid skid skid skid skid skid skid scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape scour scour scour scour scour scour scour scour scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush comb comb comb comb comb comb comb comb comb rub rub rub rub rub rub rub rub polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind abrade abrade abrade abrade abrade abrade abrade abrade rasp rasp rasp rasp rasp rasp rasp rasp file file file file file file file file sharpen sharpen sharpen sharpen sharpen sharpen sharpen sharpen hone hone hone hone hone hone hone hone whet whet whet whet whet whet whet whet trim trim trim trim trim trim trim trim pare pare pare pare pare pare pare pare cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut carve carve carve carve carve carve carve carve sculpt sculpt sculpt sculpt sculpt sculpt sculpt sculpt chisel chisel chisel chisel chisel chisel chisel chisel engrave engrave engrave engrave engrave engrave engrave engrave etch etch etch etch etch etch etch etch inscribe inscribe inscribe inscribe inscribe inscribe inscribe inscribe tattoo tattoo tattoo tattoo tattoo tattoo tattoo tattoo stain stain stain stain stain stain stain stain color color color color color color color color dye dye dye dye dye dye dye dye tint tint tint tint tint tint tint tint shade shade shade shade shade shade shade shade hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue pigment pigment pigment pigment pigment pigment pigment pigment tone tone tone tone tone tone tone tone tinge tinge tinge tinge tinge tinge tinge tinge wash wash wash wash wash wash wash wash lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer varnish varnish varnish varnish varnish varnish varnish varnish glaze glaze glaze glaze glaze glaze glaze glaze coat coat coat coat coat coat coat coat seal seal seal seal seal seal seal seal finish finish finish finish finish finish finish finish treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment application application application application application application application application surface surface surface surface surface surface surface surface layer layer layer layer layer layer layer layer coating coating coating coating coating coating coating coating crust crust crust crust crust crust crust crust skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin film film film film film film film film membrane membrane membrane membrane membrane membrane membrane membrane casing casing casing casing casing casing casing casing cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover wrapping wrapping wrapping wrapping wrapping wrapping wrapping wrapping envelope envelope envelope envelope envelope envelope envelope envelope envelope encapsulate encapsulate encapsulate encapsulate encapsulate encapsulate encapsulate encapsulate sheath sheath sheath sheath sheath sheath sheath sheath housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing shell shell shell shell shell shell shell shell armor armor armor armor armor armor armor armor padding padding padding padding padding padding padding padding lining lining lining lining lining lining lining lining lining cushioning cushioning cushioning cushioning cushioning cushioning cushioning cushioning stuffing stuffing stuffing stuffing stuffing stuffing stuffing stuffing filling filling filling filling filling filling filling filling packing packing packing packing packing packing packing packing cramming cramming cramming cramming cramming cramming cramming cramming jam jam jam jam jam jam jam jam congest congest congest congest congest congest congest congest clutter clutter clutter clutter clutter clutter clutter clutter litter litter litter litter litter litter litter litter debris debris debris debris debris debris debris debris refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse waste waste waste waste waste waste waste waste garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk remnants remnants remnants remnants remnants remnants remnants remnants scraps scraps scraps scraps scraps scraps scraps scraps leftovers leftovers leftovers leftovers leftovers leftovers leftovers leftovers discards discards discards discards discards discards discards discards odds odds odds odds odds odds odds odds surplus surplus surplus surplus surplus surplus surplus surplus excess excess excess excess excess excess excess excess castoffs castoffs castoffs castoffs castoffs castoffs castoffs castoffs rejects rejects rejects rejects rejects rejects rejects rejects throwaways throwaways throwaways throwaways throwaways throwaways throwaways throwaways disposables disposables disposables disposables disposables disposables disposables disposables non-recyclable non-recyclable non-recyclable non-recyclable non-recyclable non-recyclable non-recyclable non-recyclable unusable unusable unusable unusable unusable unusable unusable unusable lost lost lost lost lost lost lost lost forsaken forsaken forsaken forsaken forsaken forsaken forsaken forsaken abandoned abandoned abandoned abandoned abandoned abandoned abandoned abandoned derelict derelict derelict derelict derelict derelict derelict derelict disregarded disregarded disregarded disregarded disregarded disregarded disregarded disregarded neglected neglected neglected neglected neglected neglected neglected neglected overlooked overlooked overlooked overlooked overlooked overlooked overlooked overlooked omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted dismissed dismissed dismissed dismissed dismissed dismissed dismissed dismissed bypass bypass bypass bypass bypass bypass bypass bypass excluded excluded excluded excluded excluded excluded excluded excluded eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated excised excised excised excised excised excised excised excised eradicated eradicated eradicated eradicated eradicated eradicated eradicated eradicated obliterated obliterated obliterated obliterated obliterated obliterated obliterated obliterated wiped wiped wiped wiped wiped wiped wiped wiped cleared cleared cleared cleared cleared cleared cleared cleared purified purified purified purified purified purified purified purified sanitized sanitized sanitized sanitized sanitized sanitized sanitized sanitized sterilized sterilized sterilized sterilized sterilized sterilized sterilized disinfected disinfected disinfected disinfected disinfected disinfected disinfected disinfected cleaned cleaned cleaned cleaned cleaned cleaned cleaned cleaned washed washed washed washed washed washed washed washed rinsed rinsed rinsed rinsed rinsed rinsed rinsed rinsed scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed brushed brushed brushed brushed brushed brushed brushed brushed polished polished polished polished polished polished polished polished buff buff buff buff buff buff buff buff wax wax wax wax wax wax wax wax gloss gloss gloss gloss gloss gloss gloss gloss sheen sheen sheen sheen sheen sheen sheen sheen brightness brightness brightness brightness brightness brightness brightness brightness brilliance brilliance brilliance brilliance brilliance brilliance brilliance brilliance luminosity luminosity luminosity luminosity luminosity luminosity luminosity luminance luminance luminance luminance luminance luminance luminance luminance clarity clarity clarity clarity clarity clarity clarity clarity transparency transparency transparency transparency transparency transparency transparency transparency purity purity purity purity purity purity purity purity freshness freshness freshness freshness freshness freshness freshness freshness neatness neatness neatness neatness neatness neatness neatness neatness tidiness tidiness tidiness tidiness tidiness tidiness tidiness tidiness order order order order order order order order cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness sanitation sanitation sanitation sanitation sanitation sanitation sanitation sanitation hygiene hygiene hygiene hygiene hygiene hygiene hygiene hygiene health health health health health health health health wellness wellness wellness wellness wellness wellness wellness wellness fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness robustness robustness robustness robustness robustness robustness robustness robustness strength strength strength strength strength strength strength strength durability durability durability durability durability durability durability durability resilience resilience resilience resilience resilience resilience resilience resilience sturdiness sturdiness sturdiness sturdiness sturdiness sturdiness sturdiness sturdiness reliability reliability reliability reliability reliability reliability reliability reliability dependability dependability dependability dependability dependability dependability dependability trustworthiness trustworthiness trustworthiness trustworthiness trustworthiness trustworthiness trustworthiness trustworthiness safety safety safety safety safety safety safety safety security security security security security security security security protection protection protection protection protection protection protection protection defense defense defense defense defense defense defense defense shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter refuge refuge refuge refuge refuge refuge refuge refuge sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary haven haven haven haven haven haven haven haven fortress fortress fortress fortress fortress fortress fortress fortress bastion bastion bastion bastion bastion bastion bastion bastion bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark rampart rampart rampart rampart rampart rampart rampart rampart wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade fence fence fence fence fence fence fence fence hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen corral corral corral corral corral corral corral corral coop coop coop coop coop coop coop coop paddock paddock paddock paddock paddock paddock paddock paddock yard yard yard yard yard yard yard yard grounds grounds grounds grounds grounds grounds grounds grounds lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot space space space space space space space space area area area area area area area area field field field field field field field field pasture pasture pasture pasture pasture pasture pasture pasture land land land land land land land land terrain terrain terrain terrain terrain terrain terrain terrain ground ground ground ground ground ground ground ground turf turf turf turf turf turf turf turf sod sod sod sod sod sod sod sod soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone clay clay clay clay clay clay clay clay silt silt silt silt silt silt silt silt loam loam loam loam loam loam loam loam compost compost compost compost compost compost compost compost mulch mulch mulch mulch mulch mulch mulch mulch mulch mulch ground cover ground cover ground cover ground cover ground cover ground cover ground cover substrate substrate substrate substrate substrate substrate substrate substrate fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate aggregate mixture mixture mixture mixture mixture mixture mixture mixture blend blend blend blend blend blend blend blend combination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination concoction concoction concoction concoction concoction concoction concoction concoction composition composition composition composition composition composition composition composition amalgamation amalgamation amalgamation amalgamation amalgamation amalgamation amalgamation amalgamation synthesis synthesis synthesis synthesis synthesis synthesis synthesis synthesis unification unification unification unification unification unification unification unification merging merging merging merging merging merging merging merging coalition coalition coalition coalition coalition coalition coalition coalition collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration partnership partnership partnership partnership partnership partnership partnership partnership association association association association association association association association group group group group group group group group community community community community community community community community society society society society society society society society organization organization organization organization organization organization organization organization institution institution institution institution institution institution institution institution agency agency agency agency agency agency agency agency entity entity entity entity entity entity entity entity corporation corporation corporation corporation corporation corporation corporation corporation business business business business business business business business firm firm firm firm firm firm firm firm enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise establishment establishment establishment establishment establishment establishment establishment establishment company company company company company company company company outfit outfit outfit outfit outfit outfit outfit outfit operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation venture venture venture venture venture venture venture venture project project project project project project project project project initiative initiative initiative initiative initiative initiative initiative initiative scheme scheme scheme scheme scheme scheme scheme scheme endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor endeavor undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking undertaking task task task task task task task task mission mission mission mission mission mission mission mission assignment assignment assignment assignment assignment assignment assignment assignment assignment duty duty duty duty duty duty duty duty responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility obligation obligation obligation obligation obligation obligation obligation obligation charge charge charge charge charge charge charge charge charge role role role role role role role role function function function function function function function function job job job job job job job job position position position position position position position position post post post post post post post post placement placement placement placement placement placement placement placement occupation occupation occupation occupation occupation occupation occupation occupation trade trade trade trade trade trade trade trade profession profession profession profession profession profession profession profession profession vocation vocation vocation vocation vocation vocation vocation vocation calling calling calling calling calling calling calling calling craft craft craft craft craft craft craft craft skill skill skill skill skill skill skill skill expertise expertise expertise expertise expertise expertise expertise expertise proficiency proficiency proficiency proficiency proficiency proficiency proficiency proficiency capability capability capability capability capability capability capability capability talent talent talent talent talent talent talent talent gift gift gift gift gift gift gift gift aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude aptitude flair flair flair flair flair flair flair flair knack knack knack knack knack knack knack knack ability ability ability ability ability ability ability ability capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential potential promise promise promise promise promise promise promise promise possibility possibility possibility possibility possibility possibility possibility possibility opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance chance prospect prospect prospect prospect prospect prospect prospect prospect option option option option option option option option choice choice choice choice choice choice choice choice choice selection selection selection selection selection selection selection selection alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative preference preference preference preference preference preference preference preference preference contingency contingency contingency contingency contingency contingency contingency contingency backup backup backup backup backup backup backup backup substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute substitute replacement replacement replacement replacement replacement replacement replacement replacement alternate alternate alternate alternate alternate alternate alternate alternate variation variation variation variation variation variation variation variation deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation deviation modification modification modification modification modification modification modification modification adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment refinement refinement refinement refinement refinement refinement refinement refinement enhancement enhancement enhancement enhancement enhancement enhancement enhancement enhancement improvement improvement improvement improvement improvement improvement improvement improvement upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade amendment amendment amendment amendment amendment amendment amendment amendment revision revision revision revision revision revision revision revision alteration alteration alteration alteration alteration alteration alteration alteration change change change change change change change change reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction response response response response response response response response determination determination determination determination determination determination determination determination influence influence influence influence influence influence influence influence impact impact impact impact impact impact impact impact effect effect effect effect effect effect effect effect consequence consequence consequence consequence consequence consequence consequence consequence result result result result result result result result outcome outcome outcome outcome outcome outcome outcome outcome finding finding finding finding finding finding finding finding conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion decision decision decision decision decision decision decision decision resolution resolution resolution resolution resolution resolution resolution resolution verdict verdict verdict verdict verdict verdict verdict verdict judgement judgement judgement judgement judgement judgement judgement judgement ruling ruling ruling ruling ruling ruling ruling ruling pronouncement pronouncement pronouncement pronouncement pronouncement pronouncement pronouncement pronouncement decree decree decree decree decree decree decree decree order order order order order order order order command command command command command command command command directive directive directive directive directive directive directive directive mandate mandate mandate mandate mandate mandate mandate mandate injunction injunction injunction injunction injunction injunction injunction injunction dictate dictate dictate dictate dictate dictate dictate dictate ascribe ascribe ascribe ascribe ascribe ascribe ascribe ascribe designate designate designate designate designate designate designate designate assign assign assign assign assign assign assign assign allocate allocate allocate allocate allocate allocate allocate allocate distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute dispense dispense dispense dispense dispense dispense dispense dispense confer confer confer confer confer confer confer confer grant grant grant grant grant grant grant grant award award award award award award award award present present present present present present present present present honor honor honor honor honor honor honor honor recognize recognize recognize recognize recognize recognize recognize recognize acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge salute salute salute salute salute salute salute salute tribute tribute tribute tribute tribute tribute tribute tribute commend commend commend commend commend commend commend commend praise praise praise praise praise praise praise praise laud laud laud laud laud laud laud laud applaud applaud applaud applaud applaud applaud applaud applaud celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate glorify glorify glorify glorify glorify glorify glorify glorify extol extol extol extol extol extol extol extol worship worship worship worship worship worship worship worship idolize idolize idolize idolize idolize idolize idolize idolize revere revere revere revere revere revere revere revere venerate venerate venerate venerate venerate venerate venerate venerate esteem esteem esteem esteem esteem esteem esteem esteem value value value value value value value value cherish cherish cherish cherish cherish cherish cherish cherish treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep guard guard guard guard guard guard guard guard shield shield shield shield shield shield shield shield protect protect protect protect protect protect protect protect preserve preserve preserve preserve preserve preserve preserve preserve maintain maintain maintain maintain maintain maintain maintain maintain retain retain retain retain retain retain retain retain sustain sustain sustain sustain sustain sustain sustain sustain uphold uphold uphold uphold uphold uphold uphold uphold carry carry carry carry carry carry carry carry bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder support support support support support support support support prop prop prop prop prop prop prop prop brace brace brace brace brace brace brace brace bolster bolster bolster bolster bolster bolster bolster bolster reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen back back back back back back back back lean lean lean lean lean lean lean lean rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest recline recline recline recline recline recline recline recline lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lounge lounge lounge lounge lounge lounge lounge lounge slumber slumber slumber slumber slumber slumber slumber slumber nap nap nap nap nap nap nap nap doze doze doze doze doze doze doze doze sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep hibernate hibernate hibernate hibernate hibernate hibernate hibernate hibernate drowse drowse drowse drowse drowse drowse drowse drowse catnap catnap catnap catnap catnap catnap catnap catnap repose repose repose repose repose repose repose repose tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility tranquility calmness calmness calmness calmness calmness calmness calmness calmness serenity serenity serenity serenity serenity serenity serenity serenity peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace stillness stillness stillness stillness stillness stillness stillness stillness quietude quietude quietude quietude quietude quietude quietude quietude hush hush hush hush hush hush hush hush silence silence silence silence silence silence silence silence emptiness emptiness emptiness emptiness emptiness emptiness emptiness emptiness void void void void void void void void barrenness barrenness barrenness barrenness barrenness barrenness barrenness barrenness desolation desolation desolation desolation desolation desolation desolation desolation nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nonexistence nonexistence nonexistence nonexistence nonexistence nonexistence nonexistence nonexistence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence lack lack lack lack lack lack lack lack deficiency deficiency deficiency deficiency deficiency deficiency deficiency deficiency shortcoming shortcoming shortcoming shortcoming shortcoming shortcoming shortcoming shortcoming insufficiency insufficiency insufficiency insufficiency insufficiency insufficiency insufficiency insufficiency scarcity scarcity scarcity scarcity scarcity scarcity scarcity scarcity dearth dearth dearth dearth dearth dearth dearth dearth famine famine famine famine famine famine famine famine want want want want want want want want need need need need need need need need requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement demand demand demand demand demand demand demand demand request request request request request request request request ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask inquire inquire inquire inquire inquire inquire inquire inquire question question question question question question question question query query query query query query query query probe probe probe probe probe probe probe probe investigate investigate investigate investigate investigate investigate investigate investigate scrutinize scrutinize scrutinize scrutinize scrutinize scrutinize scrutinize scrutinize explore explore explore explore explore explore explore explore search search search search search search search search look look look look look look look look seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek hunt hunt hunt hunt hunt hunt hunt hunt chase chase chase chase chase chase chase chase pursue pursue pursue pursue pursue pursue pursue pursue track track track track track track track track trail trail trail trail trail trail trail trail follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow stalk stalk stalk stalk stalk stalk stalk stalk observe observe observe observe observe observe observe observe watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor witness witness witness witness witness witness witness witness see see see see see see see see behold behold behold behold behold behold behold behold glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse glimpse catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot detect detect detect detect detect detect detect detect notice notice notice notice notice notice notice notice perceive perceive perceive perceive perceive perceive perceive perceive discern discern discern discern discern discern discern discern discover discover discover discover discover discover discover discover identify identify identify identify identify identify identify identify locate locate locate locate locate locate locate locate encounter encounter encounter encounter encounter encounter encounter uncover uncover uncover uncover uncover uncover uncover uncover reveal reveal reveal reveal reveal reveal reveal reveal expose expose expose expose expose expose expose expose disclose disclose disclose disclose disclose disclose disclose disclose disclose disclose disclose unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil unveil bring bring bring bring bring bring bring bring forth forth forth forth forth forth forth forth usher usher usher usher usher usher usher usher lead lead lead lead lead lead lead lead guide guide guide guide guide guide guide guide direct direct direct direct direct direct direct direct escort escort escort escort escort escort escort escort show show show show show show show show indicate indicate indicate indicate indicate indicate indicate indicate signal signal signal signal signal signal signal signal convey convey convey convey convey convey convey convey communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate articulate articulate articulate articulate articulate articulate articulate articulate express express express express express express express express relay relay relay relay relay relay relay relay transmit transmit transmit transmit transmit transmit transmit transmit send send send send send send send send dispatch dispatch dispatch dispatch dispatch dispatch dispatch dispatch forward forward forward forward forward forward forward forward transfer transfer transfer transfer transfer transfer transfer transfer ship ship ship ship ship ship ship ship transport transport transport transport transport transport transport transport carry carry carry carry carry carry carry carry haul haul haul haul haul haul haul haul cart cart cart cart cart cart cart cart conveyance conveyance conveyance conveyance conveyance conveyance conveyance conveyance move move move move move move move move travel travel travel travel travel travel travel travel journey journey journey journey journey journey journey journey trip trip trip trip trip trip trip trip expedition expedition expedition expedition expedition expedition expedition expedition voyage voyage voyage voyage voyage voyage voyage voyage trek trek trek trek trek trek trek trek odyssey odyssey odyssey odyssey odyssey odyssey odyssey odyssey pilgrimage pilgrimage pilgrimage pilgrimage pilgrimage pilgrimage pilgrimage pilgrimage traverse traverse traverse traverse traverse traverse traverse traverse navigate navigate navigate navigate navigate navigate navigate navigate roam roam roam roam roam roam roam roam wander wander wander wander wander wander wander wander drift drift drift drift drift drift drift drift float float float float float float float float sail sail sail sail sail sail sail sail glide glide glide glide glide glide glide glide cruise cruise cruise cruise cruise cruise cruise cruise skim skim skim skim skim skim skim skim slide slide slide slide slide slide slide slide slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop leap leap leap leap leap leap leap leap vault vault vault vault vault vault vault vault spring spring spring spring spring spring spring spring bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce rebound rebound rebound rebound rebound rebound rebound rebound ricochet ricochet ricochet ricochet ricochet ricochet ricochet ricochet shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot launch launch launch launch launch launch launch launch fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire discharge discharge discharge discharge discharge discharge discharge discharge expel expel expel expel expel expel expel expel eject eject eject eject eject eject eject eject drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop release release release release release release release release let go let go let go let go let go let go let go let go free free free free free free free free liberate liberate liberate liberate liberate liberate liberate liberate emancipate emancipate emancipate emancipate emancipate emancipate emancipate emancipate extricate extricate extricate extricate extricate extricate extricate extricate disentangle disentangle disentangle disentangle disentangle disentangle disentangle disentangle sever sever sever sever sever sever sever sever cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut part part part part part part part part split split split split split split split split cleave cleave cleave cleave cleave cleave cleave cleave divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide partition partition partition partition partition partition partition partition detach detach detach detach detach detach detach detach disjoin disjoin disjoin disjoin disjoin disjoin disjoin disjoin disconnect disconnect disconnect disconnect disconnect disconnect disconnect disconnect separate separate separate separate separate separate separate separate isolate isolate isolate isolate isolate isolate isolate isolate remove remove remove remove remove remove remove remove eliminate eliminate eliminate eliminate eliminate eliminate eliminate eliminate eradicate eradicate eradicate eradicate eradicate eradicate eradicate eradicate wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe cleanse cleanse cleanse cleanse cleanse cleanse cleanse cleanse scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub purify purify purify purify purify purify purify purify sanitize sanitize sanitize sanitize sanitize sanitize sanitize sanitize disinfect disinfect disinfect disinfect disinfect disinfect disinfect disinfect sterilize sterilize sterilize sterilize sterilize sterilize sterilize clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clarify clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear brighten brighten brighten brighten brighten brighten brighten brighten illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate illuminate light light light light light light light light shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine radiate radiate radiate radiate radiate radiate radiate radiate beam beam beam beam beam beam beam beam glow glow glow glow glow glow glow glow glimmer glimmer glimmer glimmer glimmer glimmer glimmer glimmer sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flare flare flare flare flare flare flare flare flash flash flash flash flash flash flash flash blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer shimmer gleam gleam gleam gleam gleam gleam gleam gleam dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle scintillate scintillate scintillate scintillate scintillate scintillate scintillate scintillating luster luster luster luster luster luster luster luster sheen sheen sheen sheen sheen sheen sheen sheen finish finish finish finish finish finish finish finish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish glaze glaze glaze glaze glaze glaze glaze glaze coat coat coat coat coat coat coat coat varnish varnish varnish varnish varnish varnish varnish varnish lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer color color color color color color color color tint tint tint tint tint tint tint tint dye dye dye dye dye dye dye dye shade shade shade shade shade shade shade shade hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue paint paint paint paint paint paint paint paint stain stain stain stain stain stain stain stain wash wash wash wash wash wash wash wash rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse soak soak soak soak soak soak soak soak saturating saturating saturating saturating saturating saturating saturating saturating drench drench drench drench drench drench drench drench submerge submerge submerge submerge submerge submerge submerge submerge immerse immerse immerse immerse immerse immerse immerse immerse flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood inundation inundation inundation inundation inundation inundation inundation inundation overflow overflow overflow overflow overflow overflow overflow overflow spill spill spill spill spill spill spill spill drenched drenched drenched drenched drenched drenched drenched drenched soaked soaked soaked soaked soaked soaked soaked soaked flooded flooded flooded flooded flooded flooded flooded flooded submerged submerged submerged submerged submerged submerged submerged submerged deluge deluge deluge deluge deluge deluge deluge deluge cascade cascade cascade cascade cascade cascade cascade cascade torrent torrent torrent torrent torrent torrent torrent torrent current current current current current current current current stream stream stream stream stream stream stream stream flow flow flow flow flow flow flow flow trickle trickle trickle trickle trickle trickle trickle trickle pour pour pour pour pour pour pour pour sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle spray spray spray spray spray spray spray spray mist mist mist mist mist mist mist mist haze haze haze haze haze haze haze haze fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud vapor vapor vapor vapor vapor vapor vapor vapor steam steam steam steam steam steam steam steam fume fume fume fume fume fume fume fume smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke ash ash ash ash ash ash ash ash soot soot soot soot soot soot soot soot residue residue residue residue residue residue residue residue grime grime grime grime grime grime grime grime dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt filth filth filth filth filth filth filth filth muck muck muck muck muck muck muck muck sludge sludge sludge sludge sludge sludge sludge sludge scum scum scum scum scum scum scum scum debris debris debris debris debris debris debris debris rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish litter litter litter litter litter litter litter litter refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse waste waste waste waste waste waste waste waste garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk clutter clutter clutter clutter clutter clutter clutter clutter mess mess mess mess mess mess mess mess disorder disorder disorder disorder disorder disorder disorder disorder chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos tumult tumult tumult tumult tumult tumult tumult tumult disruption disruption disruption disruption disruption disruption disruption disruption confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion pandemonium pandemonium pandemonium pandemonium pandemonium pandemonium pandemonium pandemonium turbulence turbulence turbulence turbulence turbulence turbulence turbulence turbulence uproar uproar uproar uproar uproar uproar uproar uproar commotion commotion commotion commotion commotion commotion commotion commotion agitation agitation agitation agitation agitation agitation agitation agitation disturbance disturbance disturbance disturbance disturbance disturbance disturbance disturbance interference interference interference interference interference interference interference interference interruption interruption interruption interruption interruption interruption interruption interruption break break break break break break break break gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap pause pause pause pause pause pause pause pause hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus hiatus lull lull lull lull lull lull lull lull respite respite respite respite respite respite respite respite cessation cessation cessation cessation cessation cessation cessation cessation stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop finalize finalize finalize finalize finalize finalize finalize finalize conclude conclude conclude conclude conclude conclude conclude conclude terminate terminate terminate terminate terminate terminate terminate terminate end end end end end end end end close close close close close close close close halt halt halt halt halt halt halt halt cease cease cease cease cease cease cease cease suspend suspend suspend suspend suspend suspend suspend suspend vacate vacate vacate vacate vacate vacate vacATE depart depart depart depart depart depart depart depart exit exit exit exit exit exit exit exit evacuATE evacuATE evacuATE evacuATE evacuATE evacuATE evacuATE evacuATE leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave withdraw withdraw withdraw withdraw withdraw withdraw withdraw withdraw pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull yank yank yank yank yank yank yank yank extract extract extract extract extract extract extract extract take away take away take away take away take away take away take away take away draw draw draw draw draw draw draw draw drag drag drag drag drag drag drag drag tow tow tow tow tow tow tow tow haul haul haul haul haul haul haul haul lug lug lug lug lug lug lug lug tug tug tug tug tug tug tug tug heave heave heave heave heave heave heave heave shift shift shift shift shift shift shift shift shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake jolt jolt jolt jolt jolt jolt jolt jolt vibr vibr vibr vibr vibr vibr vibr vibr sway sway sway sway sway sway sway sway swing swing swing swing swing swing swing swing undulate undulate undulate undulate undulate undulate undulate undulate quiver quiver quiver quiver quiver quiver quiver quiver tremble tremble tremble tremble tremble tremble tremble tremble oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc oscillosc puls puls puls puls puls puls puls puls wave wave wave wave wave wave wave wave ripple ripple ripple ripple ripple ripple ripple ripple flutter flutter flutter flutter flutter flutter flutter flutter flitter flitter flitter flitter flitter flitter flitter flitter whirl whirl whirl whirl whirl whirl whirl whirl spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin twist twist twist twist twist twist twist twist turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn revolve revolve revolve revolve revolve revolve revolve revolve rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate rotate circle circle circle circle circle circle circle circle round round round round round round round round spiral spiral spiral spiral spiral spiral spiral spiral curl curl curl curl curl curl curl curl coil coil coil coil coil coil coil coil wind wind wind wind wind wind wind wind bend bend bend bend bend bend bend bend flex flex flex flex flex flex flex flex flop flop flop flop flop flop flop flop sag sag sag sag sag sag sag sag droop droop droop droop droop droop droop droop sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink settle settle settle settle settle settle settle settle collapse collapse collapse collapse collapse collapse collapse collapse fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash breakup breakup breakup breakup breakup breakup breakup breakup fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation shatter shatter shatter shatter shatter shatter shatter shatter crumble crumble crumble crumble crumble crumble crumble crumble decay decay decay decay decay decay decay decay rot rot rot rot rot rot rot rot spoil spoil spoil spoil spoil spoil spoil spoil wither wither wither wither wither wither wither wither perish perish perish perish perish perish perish perish die die die die die die die die decline decline decline decline decline decline decline decline deteriorat deteriorat deteriorat deteriorat deteriorat deteriorat deteriorat deteriorat degeneration degeneration degeneration degeneration degeneration degeneration degeneration degeneration atrophy atrophy atrophy atrophy atrophy atrophy atrophy atrophy languish languish languish languish languish languish languish languish fade fade fade fade fade fade fade fade dull dull dull dull dull dull dull dull weaken weaken weaken weaken weaken weaken weaken weaken lessen lessen lessen lessen lessen lessen lessen lessen abatement abatement abatement abatement abatement abatement abatement abatement diminution diminution diminution diminution diminution diminution diminution diminution reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction reduction decrease decrease decrease decrease decrease decrease decrease decrease shrink shrink shrink shrink shrink shrink shrink shrink compress compress compress compress compress compress compress compress contract contract contract contract contract contract contract contract tighten tighten tighten tighten tighten tighten tighten tighten constrict constrict constrict constrict constrict constrict constrict constrict confine confine confine confine confine confine confine confine restrain restrain restrain restrain restrain restrain restrain restrain limit limit limit limit limit limit limit limit bound bound bound bound bound bound bound bound cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen corral corral corral corral corral corral corral corral enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure fold fold fold fold fold fold fold fold confinement confinement confinement confinement confinement confinement confinement confinement imprisonment imprisonment imprisonment imprisonment imprisonment imprisonment imprisonment imprisonment captivity captivity captivity captivity captivity captivity captivity captivity detention detention detention detention detention detention detention detention custody custody custody custody custody custody custody custody internment internment internment internment internment internment internment internment quarantine quarantine quarantine quarantine quarantine quarantine quarantine quarantine isolation isolation isolation isolation isolation isolation isolation isolation seclusion seclusion seclusion seclusion seclusion seclusion seclusion seclusion sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary refuge refuge refuge refuge refuge refuge refuge refuge retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat haven haven haven haven haven haven haven haven shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter fort fort fort fort fort fort fort fort stronghold stronghold stronghold stronghold stronghold stronghold stronghold stronghold bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bastion bastion bastion bastion bastion bastion bastion bastion barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade rampart rampart rampart rampart rampart rampart rampart rampart parapet parapet parapet parapet parapet parapet parapet parapet wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall fence fence fence fence fence fence fence fence hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge hedge screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen divider divider divider divider divider divider divider divider separator separator separator separator separator separator separator separator boundary boundary boundary boundary boundary boundary boundary boundary border border border border border border border border edge edge edge edge edge edge edge edge fringe fringe fringe fringe fringe fringe fringe fringe periphery periphery periphery periphery periphery periphery periphery periphery margin margin margin margin margin margin margin margin outskirts outskirts outskirts outskirts outskirts outskirts outskirts outskirts distance distance distance distance distance distance distance distance space space space space space space space space vacuum vacuum vacuum vacuum vacuum vacuum vacuum vacuum void void void void void void void void abyss abyss abyss abyss abyss abyss abyss abyss gulf gulf gulf gulf gulf gulf gulf gulf chasm chasm chasm chasm chasm chasm chasm chasm hole hole hole hole hole hole hole hole pit pit pit pit pit pit pit pit cavity cavity cavity cavity cavity cavity cavity cavity hollow hollow hollow hollow hollow hollow hollow hollow recess recess recess recess recess recess recess recess indentation indentation indentation indentation indentation indentation indentation indentation scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape notch notch notch notch notch notch notch notch groove groove groove groove groove groove groove groove channel channel channel channel channel channel channel channel trench trench trench trench trench trench trench trench ditch ditch ditch ditch ditch ditch ditch ditch cesspool cesspool cesspool cesspool cesspool cesspool cesspool cesspool mire mire mire mire mire mire mire mire swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp bog bog bog bog bog bog bog bog fen fen fen fen fen fen fen fen marsh marsh marsh marsh marsh marsh marsh marsh wetland wetland wetland wetland wetland wetland wetland wetland land land land land land land land land soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil earth earth earth earth earth earth earth earth terrain terrain terrain terrain terrain terrain terrain terrain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain field field field field field field field field grass grass grass grass grass grass grass grass turf turf turf turf turf turf turf turf mount mount mount mount mount mount mount mount hill hill hill hill hill hill hill hill slope slope slope slope slope slope slope slope incline incline incline incline incline incline incline incline summit summit summit summit summit summit summit summit peak peak peak peak peak peak peak peak apex apex apex apex apex apex apex apex zenith zenith zenith zenith zenith zenith zenith zenith altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude height height height height height height height height elevation elevation elevation elevation elevation elevation elevation elevation rise rise rise rise rise rise rise rise climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb ascent ascent ascent ascent ascent ascent ascent ascent soar soar soar soar soar soar soar soar fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly hover hover hover hover hover hover hover hover glide glide glide glide glide glide glide glide swoop swoop swoop swoop swoop swoop swoop swoop dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip plummet plummet plummet plummet plummet plummet plummet plummet plunge plunge plunge plunge plunge plunge plunge plunge dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive descend descend descend descend descend descend descend descend drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll flip flip flip flip flip flip flip flip somersault somersault somersault somersault somersault somersault somersault somersault loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop circuit circuit circuit circuit circuit circuit circuit circuit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbiter orbiter orbiter orbiter orbiter orbiter orbiter orbiter path path path path path path path path route route route route route route route route way way way way way way way way passage passage passage passage passage passage passage passage corridor corridor corridor corridor corridor corridor corridor corridor avenue avenue avenue avenue avenue avenue avenue avenue street street street street street street street street road road road road road road road road lane lane lane lane lane lane lane lane boulevard boulevard boulevard boulevard boulevard boulevard boulevard boulevard thoroughfare thoroughfare thoroughfare thoroughfare thoroughfare thoroughfare thoroughfare thoroughfare freeway freeway freeway freeway freeway freeway freeway freeway highway highway highway highway highway highway highway highway pathway pathway pathway pathway pathway pathway pathway pathway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway alley alley alley alley alley alley alley alley which which which which which which which which what what what what what what what what who who who who who who who who where where where where where where where where when when when when when when when when how how how how how how how how why why why why why why why why because because because because because because because because since since since since since since since since for for for for for for for for in in in in in in in in by by by by by by by by through through through through through through through through across across across across across across across across across along along along along along along along along about about about about about about about about around around around around around around around around around near near near near near near near near next next next next next next next next alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside between between between between between between between between between among among among among among among among among towards towards towards towards towards towards towards towards against against against against against against against against toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward toward past past past past past past past past beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond outside outside outside outside outside outside outside outside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside within within within within within within within within without without without without without without without above above above above above above above above below below below below below below below below over over over over over over over over under under under under under under under under up up up up up up up up down down down down down down down down top top top top top top top top bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom surface surface surface surface surface surface surface surface layer layer layer layer layer layer layer layer underside underside underside underside underside underside underside underside facet facet facet facet facet facet facet facet side side side side side side side side flank flank flank flank flank flank flank flank region region region region region region region region area area area area area area area area zone zone zone zone zone zone zone zone division division division division division division division division sector sector sector sector sector sector sector sector district district district district district district district district territory territory territory territory territory territory territory territory province province province province province province province province state state state state state state state state country country country country country country country country continent continent continent continent continent continent continent continent world world world world world world world world universe universe universe universe universe universe universe universe cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos cosmos creation creation creation creation creation creation creation creation existence existence existence existence existence existence existence existence reality reality reality reality reality reality reality reality life life life life life life life life being being being being being being being being becoming becoming becoming becoming becoming becoming becoming becoming coming coming coming coming coming coming coming coming arrival arrival arrival arrival arrival arrival arrival arrival emergence emergence emergence emergence emergence emergence emergence emergence dawn dawn dawn dawn dawn dawn dawn dawn beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning genesis genesis genesis genesis genesis genesis genesis genesis origin origin origin origin origin origin origin origin inception inception inception inception inception inception inception inception start start start start start start start start initiation initiation initiation initiation initiation initiation initiation initiation kickoff kickoff kickoff kickoff kickoff kickoff kickoff kickoff commencement commencement commencement commencement commencement commencement commencement commencement opening opening opening opening opening opening opening opening debut debut debut debut debut debut debut debut unveiling unveiling unveiling unveiling unveiling unveiling unveiling unveiling exposure exposure exposure exposure exposure exposure exposure exposure revelation revelation revelation revelation revelation revelation revelation revelation display display display display display display display display presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation showcase showcase showcase showcase showcase showcase showcase showcase exhibition exhibition exhibition exhibition exhibition exhibition exhibition exhibition fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair bazaar bazaar bazaar bazaar bazaar bazaar bazaar bazaar festival festival festival festival festival festival festival festival gala gala gala gala gala gala gala gala celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration celebration commemorative commemorative commemorative commemorative commemorative commemorative commemorative observance observance observance observance observance observance observance observance holiday holiday holiday holiday holiday holiday holiday holiday occasion occasion occasion occasion occasion occasion occasion occasion event event event event event event event event gathering gathering gathering gathering gathering gathering gathering gathering assembly assembly assembly assembly assembly assembly assembly assembly meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting session session session session session session session session congregation congregation congregation congregation congregation congregation congregation congregation rally rally rally rally rally rally rally rally march march march march march march march march parade parade parade parade parade parade parade parade procession procession procession procession procession procession procession procession demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive push push push push push push push push effort effort effort effort effort effort effort effort thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust thrust exert exert exert exert exert exert exert exert application application application application application application application application utilization utilization utilization utilization utilization utilization utilization utilization employment employment employment employment employment employment employment employment use use use use use use use use practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise implementation implementation implementation implementation implementation implementation implementation implementation action action action action action action action action deed deed deed deed deed deed deed deed transaction transaction transaction transaction transaction transaction transaction transaction activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity performance performance performance performance performance performance performance performance work work work work work work work work labor labor labor labor labor labor labor labor toil toil toil toil toil toil toil toil effort effort effort effort effort effort effort effort strive strive strive strive strive strive strive strive struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle contend contend contend contend contend contend contend contend vie vie vie vie vie vie vie vie compete compete compete compete compete compete compete compete compete race race race race race race race race contest contest contest contest contest contest contest contest contest match match match match match match match match challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight war war war war war war war war clash clash clash clash clash clash clash clash collision collision collision collision collision collision collision collision confrontation confrontation confrontation confrontation confrontation confrontation confrontation confrontation opposition opposition opposition opposition opposition opposition opposition opposition resistance resistance resistance resistance resistance resistance resistance resistance defiance defiance defiance defiance defiance defiance defiance defiance rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal refutation refutation refutation refutation refutation refutation refutation refutation dismissal dismissal dismissal dismissal dismissal dismissal dismissal dismissal rejection rejection rejection rejection rejection rejection rejection rejection refusal refusal refusal refusal refusal refusal refusal refusal denial denial denial denial denial denial denial denial negation negation negation negation negation negation negation negation antagonism antagonism antagonism antagonism antagonism antagonism antagonism antagonism hostility hostility hostility hostility hostility hostility hostility hostility enmity enmity enmity enmity enmity enmity enmity enmity animosity animosity animosity animosity animosity animosity animosity animosity resentment resentment resentment resentment resentment resentment resentment resentment bitterness bitterness bitterness bitterness bitterness bitterness bitterness bitterness ire ire ire ire ire ire ire ire wrath wrath wrath wrath wrath wrath wrath wrath rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage fury fury fury fury fury fury fury fury outrage outrage outrage outrage outrage outrage outrage outrage indignation indignation indignation indignation indignation indignation indignation indignation exasperation exasperation exasperation exasperation exasperation exasperation exasperation exasperation frustration frustration frustration frustration frustration frustration frustration frustration vex vex vex vex vex vex vex vex annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance irritation irritation irritation irritation irritation irritation irritation irritation displeasure displeasure displeasure displeasure displeasure displeasure displeasure displeasure distaste distaste distaste distaste distaste distaste distaste distaste dissatisfaction dissatisfaction dissatisfaction dissatisfaction dissatisfaction dissatisfaction dissatisfaction dissatisfaction grievance grievance grievance grievance grievance grievance grievance grievance complaint complaint complaint complaint complaint complaint complaint complaint objection objection objection objection objection objection objection objection fault fault fault fault fault fault fault fault blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame liability liability liability liability liability liability liability liability liability accountability accountability accountability accountability accountability accountability accountability accountability culpability culpability culpability culpability culpability culpability culpability culpability guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt shame shame shame shame shame shame shame shame remorse remorse remorse remorse remorse remorse remorse remorse regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish distress distress distress distress distress distress distress distress misery misery misery misery misery misery misery misery torment torment torment torment torment torment torment torment agony agony agony agony agony agony agony agony pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain suffering suffering suffering suffering suffering suffering suffering suffering hardship hardship hardship hardship hardship hardship hardship hardship adversity adversity adversity adversity adversity adversity adversity adversity misfortune misfortune misfortune misfortune misfortune misfortune misfortune misfortune disaster disaster disaster disaster disaster disaster disaster disaster calamity calamity calamity calamity calamity calamity calamity calamity catastrophe catastrophe catastrophe catastrophe catastrophe catastrophe catastrophe catastrophe tragedy tragedy tragedy tragedy tragedy tragedy tragedy tragedy trauma trauma trauma trauma trauma trauma trauma trauma ordeal ordeal ordeal ordeal ordeal ordeal ordeal ordeal nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare tribulation tribulation tribulation tribulation tribulation tribulation tribulation tribulation affliction affliction affliction affliction affliction affliction affliction affliction woe woe woe woe woe woe woe woe burden burden burden burden burden burden burden burden load load load load load load load load weight weight weight weight weight weight weight weight encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance obstacle obstacle obstacle obstacle obstacle obstacle obstacle obstacle barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction limitation limitation limitation limitation limitation limitation limitation limitation constraint constraint constraint constraint constraint constraint constraint constraint restriction restriction restriction restriction restriction restriction restriction restriction drawback drawback drawback drawback drawback drawback drawback drawback disadvantage disadvantage disadvantage disadvantage disadvantage disadvantage disadvantage disadvantage handicap handicap handicap handicap handicap handicap handicap handicap impediment impediment impediment impediment impediment impediment impediment impediment difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty dilemma dilemma dilemma dilemma dilemma dilemma dilemma dilemma pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle jam jam jam jam jam jam jam jam quandary quandary quandary quandary quandary quandary quandary quandary predicament predicament predicament predicament predicament predicament predicament predicament crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis crisis emergency emergency emergency emergency emergency emergency emergency emergency urgency urgency urgency urgency urgency urgency urgency urgency exigency exigency exigency exigency exigency exigency exigency exigency imperative imperative imperative imperative imperative imperative imperative imperative pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress strain strain strain strain strain strain strain strain tension tension tension tension tension tension tension tension anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety worry worry worry worry worry worry worry worry concern concern concern concern concern concern concern concern apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fright fright fright fright fright fright fright fright panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror horror horror horror horror horror horror horror horror unease unease unease unease unease unease unease unease discomfort discomfort discomfort discomfort discomfort discomfort discomfort discomfort malaise malaise malaise malaise malaise malaise malaise malaise nausea nausea nausea nausea nausea nausea nausea nausea queasiness queasiness queasiness queasiness queasiness queasiness queasiness queasiness sickness sickness sickness sickness sickness sickness sickness sickness illness illness illness illness illness illness illness illness fatigue fatigue fatigue fatigue fatigue fatigue fatigue fatigue weakness weakness weakness weakness weakness weakness weakness weakness frailty frailty frailty frailty frailty frailty frailty frailty debility debility debility debility debility debility debility debility impotence impotence impotence impotence impotence impotence impotence impotence disability disability disability disability disability disability disability disability incapacity incapacity incapacity incapacity incapacity incapacity incapacity inability inability inability inability inability inability inability inability helplessness helplessness helplessness helplessness helplessness helplessness helplessness helplessness powerlessness powerlessness powerlessness powerlessness powerlessness powerlessness powerlessness powerlessness exhaustion exhaustion exhaustion exhaustion exhaustion exhaustion exhaustion exhaustion burnout burnout burnout burnout burnout burnout burnout burnout depletion depletion depletion depletion depletion depletion depletion depletion drain drain drain drain drain drain drain drain consumption consumption consumption consumption consumption consumption consumption consumption erosion erosion erosion erosion erosion erosion erosion erosion wear wear wear wear wear wear wear wear attrition attrition attrition attrition attrition attrition attrition attrition loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss fading fading fading fading fading fading fading fading disappearance disappearance disappearance disappearance disappearance disappearance disappearance disappearance vanishing vanishing vanishing vanishing vanishing vanishing vanishing vanishing extinction extinction extinction extinction extinction extinction extinction extinction demise demise demise demise demise demise demise demise passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing dissolution dissolution dissolution dissolution dissolution dissolution dissolution dissolution termination termination termination termination termination termination termination termination death death death death death death death death expiration expiration expiration expiration expiration expiration expiration expiration mortality mortality mortality mortality mortality mortality mortality mortality casualty casualty casualty casualty casualty casualty casualty casualty fatality fatality fatality fatality fatality fatality fatality fatality toll toll toll toll toll toll toll toll sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice offering offering offering offering offering offering offering offering surrender surrender surrender surrender surrender surrender surrender surrender yielding yielding yielding yielding yielding yielding yielding yielding capitulation capitulation capitulation capitulation capitulation capitulation capitulation capitulation resignation resignation resignation resignation resignation resignation resignation resignation acquiescence acquiescence acquiescence acquiescence acquiescence acquiescence acquiescence acquiescence submission submission submission submission submission submission submission submission compliance compliance compliance compliance compliance compliance compliance compliance agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance acceptance consent consent consent consent consent consent consent consent approval approval approval approval approval approval approval approval endorsement endorsement endorsement endorsement endorsement endorsement endorsement endorsement validation validation validation validation validation validation validation validation confirmation confirmation confirmation confirmation confirmation confirmation confirmation confirmation assurance assurance assurance assurance assurance assurance assurance assurance guarantee guarantee guarantee guarantee guarantee guarantee guarantee guarantee warranty warranty warranty warranty warranty warranty warranty warranty pledge pledge pledge pledge pledge pledge pledge pledge commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment devotion devotion devotion devotion devotion devotion devotion devotion loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty fidelity fidelity fidelity fidelity fidelity fidelity fidelity fidelity allegiance allegiance allegiance allegiance allegiance allegiance allegiance allegiance faith faith faith faith faith faith faith faith trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust reliance reliance reliance reliance reliance reliance reliance reliance dependence dependence dependence dependence dependence dependence dependence dependence independence independence independence independence independence independence independence independence self-sufficiency self-sufficiency self-sufficiency self-sufficiency self-sufficiency self-sufficiency self-sufficiency self-sufficiency autonomy autonomy autonomy autonomy autonomy autonomy autonomy autonomy freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation emancipation emancipation emancipation emancipation emancipation emancipation emancipation emancipation sovereignty sovereignty sovereignty sovereignty sovereignty sovereignty sovereignty sovereignty dominion dominion dominion dominion dominion dominion dominion dominion control control control control control control control control mastery mastery mastery mastery mastery mastery mastery mastery authority authority authority authority authority authority authority authority supremacy supremacy supremacy supremacy supremacy supremacy supremacy supremacy ascendancy ascendancy ascendancy ascendancy ascendancy ascendancy ascendancy ascendancy leadership leadership leadership leadership leadership leadership leadership leadership direction direction direction direction direction direction direction direction guidance guidance guidance guidance guidance guidance guidance guidance supervision supervision supervision supervision supervision supervision supervision supervision management management management management management management management management administration administration administration administration administration administration administration administration regulation regulation regulation regulation regulation regulation regulation regulation governance governance governance governance governance governance governance governance oversight oversight oversight oversight oversight oversight oversight oversight stewardship stewardship stewardship stewardship stewardship stewardship stewardship stewardship care care care care care care care care maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance upkeep upkeep upkeep upkeep upkeep upkeep upkeep upkeep preservation preservation preservation preservation preservation preservation preservation preservation protection protection protection protection protection protection protection protection security security security security security security security security safety safety safety safety safety safety safety safety safety defense defense defense defense defense defense defense defense safeguarding safeguarding safeguarding safeguarding safeguarding safeguarding safeguarding safeguarding shielding shielding shielding shielding shielding shielding shielding shielding shielding conservation conservation conservation conservation conservation conservation conservation conservation sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability endurance endurance endurance endurance endurance endurance endurance endurance persistence persistence persistence persistence persistence persistence persistence persistence tenacity tenacity tenacity tenacity tenacity tenacity tenacity tenacity steadfastness steadfastness steadfastness steadfastness steadfastness steadfastness steadfastness steadfastly resoluteness resoluteness resoluteness resoluteness resoluteness resoluteness resoluteness resolutely durability durability durability durability durability durability dura
