تحميل احدث باتش بيس 2013 لعام 2021 الدوري المصري

12 June 2023

Views: 1,415

تحميل احدث باتش بيس 2013 لعام 2021 الدوري المصري MY Torky Patch V1

رابـط تحميل الباتش

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.file-upload.com/9uea35umsxqn

تحميل الاوبشن فايل

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.file-upload.com/0v2a6xew1nt4

تحميل التعليق العربي فهد العتيبي

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.file-upload.com/18wyr4v6ev20

Installation Method:

Extract the compressed file.
Make sure the game doesn't have any previous modifications.
Copy all the files from the extracted folder and paste them into the original game folder. Confirm replacing any existing files if prompted.
Add the option file.
Start the game and enjoy the new patch.

Please note that the provided instructions are a general guideline for installing a patch or modification. The specific steps may vary depending on the game or patch you are installing. It's always recommended to refer to the instructions provided with the patch or seek assistance from the patch developer or community for more detailed installation steps.
