[PDF] The Energy System: Technology, Economics, Markets, and Policy by Travis Br

26 September 2024

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Book The Energy System: Technology, Economics, Markets, and Policy PDF Download - Travis Bradford

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The Energy System: Technology, Economics, Markets, and Policy
Travis Bradford
Page: 1216
Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
ISBN: 9780262037525
Publisher: MIT Press

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The Energy System: Technology, Economics, Markets, and Policy by Travis Bradford A comprehensive textbook that integrates tools from technology, economics, markets, and policy to approach energy issues using a dynamic systems and capital-centric perspective. The global energy system is the vital foundation of modern human industrial society. Traditionally studied through separate disciplines of engineering, economics, environment, or public policy, this system can be fully understood only by using an approach that integrates these tools. This textbook is the first to take a dynamic systems perspective on understanding energy systems, tracking energy from primary resource to final energy services through a long and capital-intensive supply chain bounded by both macroeconomic and natural resource systems. The book begins with a framework for understanding how energy is transformed as it moves through the system with the aid of various types of capital, its movement influenced by a combination of the technical, market, and policy conditions at the time. It then examines the three primary energy subsystems of electricity, transportation, and thermal energy, explaining such relevant topics as systems thinking, cost estimation, capital formation, market design, and policy tools. Finally, the book reintegrates these subsystems and looks at their relation to the economic system and the ecosystem that they inhabit. Practitioners and theorists from any field will benefit from a deeper understanding of both existing dynamic energy system processes and potential tools for intervention.

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