February Updates

Author: 41f64514c3

09 February 2016

Views: 24,972

New features:

- You can now edit the text of your pastes at any time, as well as any of the original options you chose when you submitted the paste. This has been a much requested feature and is now fully ready. To do this, you must have a passcode on your paste.
Click the edit button at the bottom of your paste and enter your passcode to get to the edit screen. The text background will turn white and allow you to make your changes. Scroll down to change any paste options, then press Make Changes. Please remember that removing your passcode here and deleting your paste cannot be undone.
Once you have made your changes and if the text was changed, your paste will now have a blue banner displaying the number of times the text was updated. Clicking this banner will show any visitor to your paste a list of every edit you have made, as well as the ability to see how it previously looked.
In the archive page, the ‘latest version for’ column shows the length of time each version was the latest version.
Note: changing the title of your paste or changing any of the options without editing the main text will not be counted as an edit and no entry will be made in the archive.

Example archive page: https://pastelink.net/archive?q=vu1
Example history page: https://pastelink.net/history?q=vu1&edit=1

- Cancel button added to the edit form.
- Pastes with a custom URL will now show the alternate address at the bottom of the page.
- Tables on the read, listing and archive page look nicer now.
- The options sections on the submit and edit pages look better, as do the mobile page styles.
- FAQ page updated.
- Improvements to the URL processing system.
- There is now a limit (around 500) to the number of links that can be within each paste (before the page would not submit properly if there were too many).

Fixes and improvements:

- The strip text option can now be toggled on mobile.
- You can now switch between desktop and mobile styles on the submit page without refreshing the page.
- Removed the flash of ‘you must enable javascript’ in red writing that was commonly appearing.
- Fixed passcode always being wrong on first try when editing.
- Using the URL stopper << will now no longer block URLs on the same line that come before it.
- The paste title was previously overlapping the ‘share’ section if it was too long and all one word.
- Site footer now stays at the bottom of the browser at all times.

Your feedback and suggestions are very much appreciated, just send us a message using the contact page if there is any feature you'd like to see or anything you'd like to say. https://pastelink.net/contact

Edit Code:

Please enter an edit code

Edit codes must be at least 20 characters
