Building, Hunting, Farming & Stealth

Author: 99d4245260

05 May 2022

Views: 1,654

These XML files will add trader items to the shop in Novy Sobor, with a one-off Trader Truck parked outside. DONE.

A special "Event" tuck ("VehicleTruckEvent") has also been added. The "event truck" spawns in at the top of the Ski Run in the West,
and the idea behind it is that it is a "spare" truck that you can load up with whatever you like (edit its entry in cfgspawnabletypes),
and it won't appear anywhere else. I wanted a truck that I could fill with weapons, or NVG, or Hesco crates, or barrels, or tents etc,
that could be used to "create" events elsewhere in the map eg laying out a race track at NWAF, or putting tents down for a Conquest type
PvP event etc - in otherwords a simple way a server owner can easily spawn in a lot of items and them have the ability to drive them somewhere. DONE.

The Trader Truck and Event Truck are one-off spawns. To make them spawn in again, either "ruin" the engines or disable and re-enable the
event. DONE.

Items spawn in pristine. DONE.

Spooky Devils Castle, Forest Fire near Metalurg, smoke from plane crash in Chernogorsk.

Witches Night Event spawns bonfires in with seasonal loot. DONE.

LOADS of trucks complete and with building stuff. DONE.

Trader Shop At Novy. DONE.

Gas event over Novy Trader Shop. DONE.

Trader Truck Outside Shop At Novy. DONE.

Event Truck At Ski Resort. DONE.

CARS complete and with gas - compass - map - water bottle - can of drink - knife - whetstone - tins of food - can opener - lighter - gas - gas cooker - water purification - cooking pot (1/4 possible spawns) DONE.

Olga (CivilianSedan) as above, with fishing rod , 2 hooks, DONE.

Gunter (Hatchback) as above, with blaze, scope and ammo. DONE.

Sarka (Sedan_02) as above with spade, lime, packs of seeds. DONE.


Mixed Rusty ADA (offroadhatchback) spawns with gas, egg, M4A1, Stock, Scope, 2x mags (2 x Supressor?) 2 x Ammo Boxes, weapon repair kit, food and drink, combat knife, deagle, 2 x mags, box of ammo, 2 x supressors, handgun scope. DONE.

Mixed Rusty Olga spawns with gas, egg, VSS, Stock, scope, 2 x mags 2 x ammo boxes, weapon repair kit, food and drink combat knife, deagle, 2 x mags, box of ammo, 2 x supressors, handgun scope DONE

Mixed Rust Gunter spawns with gas, egg, Asval, stock, scope, 2 x mags, 2 x ammo boxes, weapon repair kit food and drink combat knife, deagle, 2 x mags, box of ammo, 2 x supressors, handgun scope DONE

Mixed Rusty Sarka spawns with gas, egg, Draganov, stock, scope, 2 x mags, ammo boxes (2 x supressor?) weapon repair kit combat knife, deagle, 2 x mags, box of ammo, 2 x supressors, handgun scope DONE

Increase potential heli crash sites. DONE.

Dynamic Event Loot Weapons Increased inc LAR (FAL) VSS, SVAL (ASVAL) & VSD (SVD), including mags. Now all only counted on map, not on player. DONE.

Most non-weapons removed from heli-crashes. DONE.

Duct Tape & sharpening stone spawns increased. DONE.

More sterilysing agents spawn in. DONE.

More NBC PPE spawns in, civilian & military. DONE.

More Gas Masks spawn in, more filters spawn in. DONE.

More Gas Pen spawns in, added to medic spawns. DONE.

Increased number of Axes, including coloured varients DONE.

More knives spawn in. DONE.

More of new police rifle & mags. DONE.

More of Famas rifle & Mags. DONE.

More of AUG rifle & Mags. DONE.

Magazines spawn with significantly more ammo. More Mags. DONE.

Guns should spawn with mags & suppressors, if they take one. DONE.

More suppressors. DONE.

Coloured Variants of Assault Rifles and Moisins spawn. (AR's mainly In gas area at Rify & Pavolovo) DONE

Slightly More Ammo. DONE.

Slightly more food. Slightly more drink. DONE.

More Wire spawns in. DONE.

More collapsable barriers spawn in. DONE.

More stones spawn in along coast. DONE.

More large military bags, more vests, more tents. DONE.


More medical supplies. DONE.

Some surprises. - swords - pumpkin helms - weed - alcohol - cigs - oil - defib - easter eggs . DONE.

8 hour server restart with simple countdown.


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