1st October 2021 - Facebook Posting Update 2

Author: 41f64514c3

01 October 2021

Views: 12,802

We've just come to the end of investigating the issue that some users have reported with sharing Pastelink pages on Facebook.

If you don't want to read this full breakdown, then please just see our new Facebook sharing guide:


After contacting Facebook in every way we could find, and discovering the hard way how terrible their customer service is (we've mostly just been waiting on their responses with this problem!), we now know exactly what has happened.

Facebook have decided to add a security message when posting Pastelink links onto their platform. There is a bug on Facebook that we can't report (getting in contact to the correct team is near impossible on Facebook as teams aren't allowed to communicate properly or refer issues on under their company structure), which prevents sharing a Pastelink paste while using a desktop computer. The captcha that is meant to appear to allow you to continue does not show, meaning you cannot progress.

So, the solutions we have provided are:

Use a mobile phone to share on Facebook
Use the sharing popup to share using a desktop, press the Facebook symbol on any paste
Use the short link (pslk.net) provided on every paste

We go through each of these in more detail, with images, on our new guide page: https://pastelink.net/facebook-sharing-guide

We hope these solutions allow everyone to post on Facebook just as easily as they were before this started. If anyone has any problems with any of our methods in the guide, please contact us immediately for further help.

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